Page 54 of Her Last Words
She handed the printout over, and he scanned the two-page document.
He looked up, raising his brows. “You read this yet?”
“I glanced at it just before coming in here,” Trent said.
Malone looked at her. “You?”
“Haven’t done that. Yet. But I trust Trent.”
“You should trust your partner and, honestly, I don’t see anything too alarming about it aside from the fact I don’t like it.”
“Why is that?”
Malone handed the pages back. “By signing it, you’re making a personal commitment to keep it quiet from the press. If this project somehow ends up factoring into the investigation, do you really think you can control the media?”
Amanda glanced at Trent, who was frowning. The last thing she wanted was a lawsuit. “What do you suggest?”
“I think there should be a clause added that would protect you. Some fancy wording that essentially excuses you if anything winds up in the news.”
Amanda slumped back in her chair and chewed on Malone’s words of caution. Would it be taking unnecessary personal risk by signing the document as it stood? But who knew how long it would take lawyers to land on acceptable lingo? Maybe they’d just put a hold on signing—for now. After all, Luis Navarro could very well be the killer and it would be case closed.
“I see you’re thinking it over. Continue to, and let me know. I have no problem shooting this up the chain of command and getting department lawyers involved. I suggest you sleep on it. See how things pan out with Navarro.”
Amanda looked at Trent, who was nodding.
“I agree with the sarge,” he told her.
“We’ll decide in the morning.” Amanda led the way from the room. With the investigation at a natural pause, it was the perfect time to take a break and she planned to make the most of it. Still, there was the gnawing in her gut. There was always the chance they were wrong about everything, and there was a serial killer out there stalking his next victim.
Last night had been awesome. Amanda had gotten home by six thirty. Based on Logan’s and Zoe’s smiles and laughter, they’d both had fun on their day’s adventures. It had her wishing that she could have been with them. Even with the dawn of a new day, regret at missing out burned in her heart.
She snuck out before either of them woke up, letting them sleep off yesterday. Her first stop was a gift to herself—Hannah’s Diner for an extra-large coffee.
The parking lot was mostly full and, inside, she had to get in line. Highly unusual. In fact, this was a first. She stepped out to see around a large man in front of her and saw May Byrd, who owned the place, and her niece, Katherine Graves, bustling behind the counter.
Katherine caught her eye, smiled, and waved at her as she set down a to-go cup on the counter.
One served, a million to go… Amanda was anxious to get into the station and start working. She returned Katherine’s smile, struck by how much things had changed.
She and Katherine hadn’t exactly gelled when she’d been interim sergeant for Homicide during Malone’s recovery from surgery. Their different approaches to cases had them blending about as well as water and oil.
Since she had a few minutes ahead of her, Amanda pulled out her phone and checked her messages and emails. Logan had told her he’d read somewhere that checking one’s phone before getting out of bed or just after could affect the flow for the entire day. Not that she was sure she bought into it, but she gave the concept a try and it seemed to have merit. By this point, she was wide awake. Her mind had her up hours before she’d even got out of bed. Add to that, she’d had a coffee before leaving home.
She still hadn’t heard a peep from Courtney, which left Luis Navarro in limbo—or more precisely, in holding. Meanwhile, the case was also redirected. Instead of trying to cull out suspects, she and Trent would work to build the case against him. The fact Courtney hadn’t returned her call may be a message in itself.
There were no text messages, but she had an email from Briggs confirming receipt of her email. He told her he’d track down the IP addresses and likely be able to have an answer next shift, which would mean tonight.
“Amanda?” Katherine was calling her name and waving madly for her to approach the counter. She’d been so absorbed in her phone that she hadn’t noticed the customers ahead of her had been served and left.
She looked over her shoulder. The line still went to the door, and she was holding it up. “Sorry,” she offered a blanket apology, to which no one responded, and prattled off her order to Katherine. “Two extra-large black coffees to go.” She’d get one for Trent. Somewhere along the line it had become a bit of a habit. He’d pick up for her too some days.
“Hard at work, I assume.” Katherine smiled at her before turning to fulfill the order.
“That girl’s always hard at work,” May piped up and flashed Amanda a huge grin that had the skin crinkling around her eyes.
“Looks like business is booming,” Amanda said to May.