Page 82 of Her Last Words
Last night had been so peaceful and relaxing, it had recharged Amanda’s spirit. So often the cases she worked kept her mind awake as she flipped thoughts of them over, examining them from various angles. But time with Logan and Zoe had squeezed out the Felicity Kelley and Naomi Chapman investigations. She had actually let herself be in the moment, and it had been glorious.
Even now, as she was stirring awake, she breathed slowly, her mind uncluttered.
The sun was snaking its way around the bedroom curtains and bleeding across the wall and hitting her in the face. The warmth was nice, but she turned away before opening her eyes.
The alarm clock told her it was nine thirty, and she nearly swore. She never slept that late, and even though she didn’t have a lot planned for the day, she felt as if she were running behind. She’d felt Logan slip out of bed some time ago.
Just breathe, she coached herself. After all, why should she feel shame in resting when it had been exactly what she needed?
She left bed, with some reluctance, and jumped in the shower. Only after, did she venture into the rest of the house.
And no one was home.
“What the—?” She called out Logan’s and Zoe’s names and then looked out at the driveway. Logan’s Dodge Ram was gone. He and Zoe had gone somewhere. How strange…
She padded to the kitchen and found a note on the counter in front of the coffeemaker.
Gone to pick up breakfast and coffee from Hannah’s. We love you!
She really had struck it lucky—for a second time in life. That thought only intensified her insecurities. She had been given so much, she couldn’t fathom losing it again.
She had barely finished reading the note when she heard Logan’s truck in the driveway. At the same time, her cell phone started ringing. It was probably her mother looking to confirm something about the party tomorrow or even one of her siblings. Or Kristen telling them to come over for a swim. Or her best friend, Becky Tulson, looking to spend some time with her.
One look at the caller ID, and her heart sank. It was none of those people. It was Malone, and while he was a family friend, he never made a habit of calling her on the weekend.
Zoe’s squeals of laughter could be heard from outside before the front door opened, and she and Logan came in.
“You’re up. And you got our note, I see.” Logan was smiling as he pointed to it in her hand.
Amanda held up her ringing phone and answered—even though it was the last thing she wanted to do. If only she could stay here in this safe, little bubble with Logan and Zoe, sip her coffee from Hannah’s, and enjoy whatever it was they got for breakfast. “Detective Steele,” she said, unable to put it off any longer.
“It’s not good, Amanda.”
Neither is that greeting… “What is it?”
Logan put a hand on the small of Amanda’s back, offering support. The longer they were together as a couple, he was becoming more in tune with her emotions, how to read them, how to handle them, how to ease them.
Zoe, just having turned eight, couldn’t read Amanda quite as well. But she must have sensed something was wrong as she stood still and looked up at her. Concern or confusion marked her expression.
Amanda had no idea what she would do without Logan and Zoe and refused to give it any serious thought.
“There’s another body, Amanda,” Malone told her.
His words were like lead, but they were having a hard time sinking in. It suddenly felt as if the investigation was collapsing around her. They’d been so certain they were on the right track, and now this… If she and Trent had been faster about piecing together the clues, could this murder have been prevented?
“You heard me, Amanda?” Malone asked.
“Ah, yeah. Just give me some time.” With that, she hung up and drew in a few deep breaths.
“Why don’t you set up the patio table for breakfast?” Logan urged Zoe to gather some plastic plates and cutlery and take them outside.
When Zoe cleared the patio door and got to work, Logan returned to Amanda’s side.
“You need to get back to work?”
She met his gaze, her heart fracturing. Leaving now was the last thing she wanted to do, but this was the job she’d signed up for. “What did I do to deserve you?” She touched his cheek, peered into his eyes, still processing what Malone had told her. She just wished to shut it out, as if by doing so that would mean it hadn’t happened.
Logan took her hand in his and kissed her fingertips and then pressed her palm to his chest. “You can talk to me.”