Page 13 of Playing With Fire
“And sensors ten miles out of town. I have this whole town wired and leading back to here. We’ll be prepared for anything.”
“And what about air space?” I joked.
He flicked another screen and I winced, wishing it weren’t true. “I have that covered also.”
“You…of course you did. Knight, you have fucking drones flying around town. You can’t do that.”
“Says who?”
“Um…I’m pretty sure the whole fucking town would have a problem with that.”
“It’s all good. Sean helped me with it.”
My eyes bugged out at that. “You had a police officer?—”
“Detective,” he corrected.
“—help you set up military-grade weapons around town, along with a drone?”
“Logan and Ryan helped also.”
I shook my head in confusion. “Why?”
“Why did I have them help? Because they’re contractors. This is what they do. I couldn’t handle the installation on my own and hide everything from sight without a little help.”
“Why would they help you?” I asked. That had really been my first question.
Sighing heavily, he turned back to me. “Look, it wouldn’t have been my first choice to involve them either. It’s not like I need civilians knowing my business. However, Lola is married to Ryan and she asked me for a favor.”
“To help blow up the town,” I nodded. “Sure, I ask friends for that all the time.”
“You should. I bet you’d feel better leaving Lucy behind.”
“I wasn’t that scared to begin with,” I retorted, wincing when I realized how insensitive that sounded. “So, what do you need me for? You already have everything in place.”
“Right, but…Cap doesn’t know.”
“You haven’t told him?” I barked out a laugh. “He should have been the first person you talked to.”
“Except, he likes ideas better when they come from you. With me…I’m the crazy assassin who’s going to get everyone killed.”
“No,” I said, standing and walking away. “I’m not doing it. This is insane!”
“It’s actually perfectly sane. The town is protected, our families are safe, and you don’t have to follow me around anymore because I won’t have to leave.”
“But you will,” I retorted.
“Yeah, but not as often.”
“You’ll still follow her every day.”
He rolled his eyes at me. “Look, I was trying to placate you. Take it or leave it. I made the effort.”
“Yeah, the effort to kill everyone.”
“You’re gonna have to get over this. And talk to Cap.”
“Talk to me about what?” Cap asked as he walked in and set his stuff down on the table. He frowned as he looked at the screen lit up with every camera angle possible throughout town. “What’s this?”