Page 3 of Playing With Fire
“Did you know that a vasectomy can reverse itself?” I asked, feeling rather smug about the whole thing.
He paled ten shades right in front of me, and I actually felt a little bad for scaring the shit out of him. “That…that’s not true.”
“No, it’s not, but you should have seen the look on your face.”
“That’s just mean,” he scowled. “Why would you do that to me?”
“Why would you intentionally avoid me when you know I need a little action in my life right before I’m about to be saddled with another demon child?”
“See, I know you don’t actually feel that way. As much as Sebastian loves to impregnate you, you love it just as much. You just don’t want to admit it.”
“Yeah,” I snorted. “I just love being two hundred pounds and unable to move.”
“You do. And you love the sex even more. I heard you two the other night. You sounded like a bunch of wild animals going at it like the world was about to end. I think I might actually have scarred ears from the bleeding.”
I punched him again just to make myself feel better. “Shut up. We’re not that loud.”
“Maybe not you, but Cap? Holy crap, I really don’t need to know the dirty things he says to you during sex. I had no idea he was quite so…vocal about his wishes.”
“So we have a healthy sex life. What’s your point?”
His smirk grew as he went for the kill. “The point is that you get off on being pregnant. Your pussy is swollen and so sensitive that you need him to get you off five times a day. Your words, not mine.”
I really hated him right now. I said those things because I thought no one could hear me. I guess that’s what I got for dragging Sebastian into the training center and taking him right on the floor where anyone could walk in and see us.
“Even if I did say that, it doesn’t mean I like being pregnant.”
“No, but what it does mean is that you and Sebastian have a twisted relationship where both of you get off on sex during pregnancy, which is why, despite him telling you he was getting a vasectomy, neither of you was really upset when it wasn’t true. Sure, you put up a good argument and appeared to be mad, but you were relieved that when you go on joy rides with him—asking me to watch your demon spawn—you stay out longer than normal. And it’s not because you need the break from the kids. It’s because your clit is super sensitive to the bumps in the road. Trust me, I know all your secret spots where you park and fuck like teenagers after Sebastian’s run over enough potholes to make your vagina feel like it’s on fire if he doesn’t fuck you right then and there.”
My jaw dropped at the insanely accurate depiction of what really happened on our days out. How was it possible that he figured it out…unless?—
“And you know this because you do the same thing with Cara,” I smirked. “Which is why you were so upset when you got the snip and he didn’t. It had nothing to do with the pain and agony. It was that you could no longer put Cara in the exact same position.”
“I admit to nothing,” he said stoically. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do.”
“Like plan the next op you’re going on?”
“We’re all grounded. All operations have been put on hold until you give birth.”
“Right,” I laughed. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“If you don’t believe me, ask Sebastian. He’ll tell you.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to determine if he was telling the truth. It was impossible. Sinner was very good at lying to me when absolutely necessary. And if there was one thing I knew for certain, it was that no one wanted to be around me when I was about to go into labor.
That went for my husband too.
Yes, he talked a good game, but not even the newborn, squishy faces of our children could make him want to stay and hold my hand. It had nothing to do with the arrival of our kids and everything to do with the massive amount of pain he couldn’t stop me from experiencing. Of course, that could all be helped with an epidural. But that would require me to actually make it to a hospital.
“Fine. If that’s the case, then I guess I’ll just go home,” I said, watching him carefully.
He didn’t give an inch. “I’ll see you at home.”
Still, I wasn’t buying it. And because he was lying to me, I couldn’t resist the chance to freak him out just a little more. I gasped, clutching my stomach as I bent over. My hand shot out and gripped his forearm, my nails digging into his flesh. He cried out in pain, but it was the look of sheer terror on his face that brought me the most pleasure.
“Maggie! Hold it in. We have to get you to the hospital.”
I shook my head wildly. “There’s no time! The baby’s coming now!”