Page 56 of Playing With Fire
“Would you like several of us to go get bitten by snakes also?” he retorted.
Fine, I could see his point. That didn’t mean he wasn’t pissing me off. “I want to know the minute he’s better. Do you understand me?”
“Good. Now put Knight on the phone.”
He sighed heavily. “It’s your funeral.”
There was some scuffling in the background and then Knight’s voice came over the line. “Maggie.”
I took a steadying breath, then spoke to Knight in a way I’d never done before. “If you do not bring my husband home to me alive, I will make sure your kids only deal with me in training for the rest of their lives. I will bring my kids over in the middle of the night and let them scream in your ear.” I lowered my voice. “I will make sure you are the only person around when I go into labor. Am I being clear?”
“Crystal,” he bit out.
“I’m glad we understand each other.”
I hung up and turned to Kate, who looked stunned.
“Did you just threaten my husband?”
“That’s exactly what I did.”
She nodded, clearly impressed. “Okay then. Let’s get you a drink. I think you’ve earned it.”
“I can’t drink,” I reminded her.
“It’s for me. You’re just there to use as an excuse.”
“Anyone else think Cap is looking a little off?” I asked as I stared down at his face.
Now that we were away from the guys trying to kill us, I took a moment to breathe. I stared down at my boss, worried Maggie was going to kick my ass when I returned. If Cap didn’t get better, she was going to kill me. Or force me to deliver her baby.
The only reason Cap and I were down here was to escape our situations. Him—being there for yet another delivery. And me—to escape my demon baby. Oh, and to rescue a missing team. But that was just a side note in the big scheme of things. However, if I didn’t return Cap in the condition he left in, I’d be dealing with more than a creepy kid.
“He’s been poisoned and Knight filled him with voodoo medicine,” Rocco retorted. “Of course, he looks off.”
“It’s not like you had any better ideas,” Knight grumbled. He had his pocket knife out and was cleaning under his nails as if we weren’t in the jungle trying to escape a million different people who wanted to kill us.
“We could have gotten him to a hospital in time,” Rocco argued.
“Not likely. He was barely breathing.”
“Guys, shouldn’t we do something?” I asked. “Seriously, this isn’t a good look.”
“We’re in the middle of the fucking jungle,” Knight muttered. “What exactly do you want us to do?”
I looked around into the dark night. With only the moonlight guiding us downriver, it was hard to see what dangers lurked around us. Still, it was a risk we had to take. I wouldn’t let Cap die, especially if I had to face a certain woman’s wrath when we returned home.
“Look, I think we should go to the shoreline and see if we can find anything to help him.”
Knight snorted. “You want to go to the shoreline to search for an antidote for the antidote? That’s funny.”
“What do you suggest we do? If his face keeps swelling, he won’t be able to breathe.”