Page 70 of Playing With Fire

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Page 70 of Playing With Fire

The further I got from the Jeep, the more I felt like this was well and truly the most fucked up decision of my life. Sweat poured from my forehead despite the shade of the trees, and a ring of sweat circled the neck of my shirt. I could smell my own stench, and not even the most powerful deodorant could fix me. I needed a shower desperately, but the urge to find anyone on my team pushed me to keep moving.

Finally, breaking through the trees, I heard the distant rumbling of an engine. I squatted down and watched through my binoculars, praying it wasn’t anyone dangerous. I needed something to go my way. Adjusting the diopter, I nearly fell backward as I adjusted the focus ring. I had to be seeing things. Pulling the binoculars away, I shook my head, then stared through the eyepiece again.

I wasn’t seeing things. Driving the vehicle was a woman with hair so black and sleek and shiny…and that face. I shook my head, sure that when and if I saw her up close, she would really be hideous. But right now, she was the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen. I couldn’t stop my feet if I tried. Before I knew it, I was standing in the road, staring down a vehicle driven by someone who was sure to be the maker of my inevitable death.

Her eyes popped even wider than the beautiful, round orbs I first saw through my binoculars. Dark brown—no, chocolate. Deep wells that captured me, pulling me into their depths. I was lost in those gorgeous peepers. She honked the horn, and only that shook me from my thoughts long enough to realize that I looked like a crazy person.

That’s right. I was standing in the middle of the road, blocking her from crossing. I should do something about that. Maybe step aside. Yet, that would only make room for her to leave. Maybe I should wave my arms in the air.

But…she had already stopped. She didn’t need me to flag her down again. No, what I needed were words. Words were those things that left a person’s mouth when they wanted to relay a message. I was usually good with those. Hell, my life was built around words. Yet, at this moment, any thought or reason for opening my mouth struggled to make its way to the surface.

She brushed her long hair over her shoulder, watching me curiously as she placed her hand on the top of the window and stood in the Jeep. This was it. I had her attention. Now I just had to open my mouth and go for it.

“Uh…necessito…lifto.” Right. Good job, asshole. It would help if you didn’t sound like a fucking idiot.

She stared at me in confusion. I couldn’t blame her. Hell, I wasn’t even sure of what I was saying, let alone if she spoke the language. There was nothing for it. I was going to have to do the unthinkable and approach the vehicle. I could do this. I was a man, after all. I’d seen all my colleagues do it. They walked over to a woman and spoke. It wasn’t that hard. Maybe if I spoke in English she would understand. Or hell, I could just show her my equipment. Maybe she’d understand what I was trying to say.

I walked toward her and showed her my GPS tracker which didn’t actually have any points of location showing. “Necessito…uh…mover un location.”

Her brows pinched adorably, and she gestured with her head like she was motioning for me to get in. I didn’t bother to question it. I raced around the vehicle and climbed inside, grinning at her the whole time.

I couldn’t believe that worked! She actually talked to me. Well, she cocked her head. That was basically the same thing. Close enough, anyway.

“I’m Rob.”

As if in slow motion, she swung her hair behind her as the wind caught it, blowing it out of her face and parting those pouty lips. Yes, the wind literally parted her lips. That’s how powerful this moment was. And all I could do was stare. I was caught in her web, reliant only on my abysmal powers of persuasion to express how much I was?—

Mesmerized…that was the only word I could come up with to describe how I was feeling at this very moment. I had to come all the way to the jungle, but I finally found her, my soulmate. I felt it like a punch to the gut. This crazy, beautiful jungle woman was my destiny. Dressed in a brown halter top and the most indecent skirt I’d ever seen, I knew that I wouldn’t be going home without her.

“Que es un…namo?”

Her eyebrow quirked as a small smile touched her lips. She didn’t say a word, but shifted gears and took off down the road. My eyes didn’t once leave her face. Screw those guys and this shit show of a mission. I found the woman of my dreams, and those fuckers could figure the rest out on their own.

We jostled along through the jungle, roaring over bumps and through potholes in the dirt road. I held tight to the top frame of the windshield, not wanting to fall out and miss my chance with this beauty. She would glance at me every once in a while and flash that beautiful smile at me. God, she was fucking gorgeous.

We came to a sudden stop, and only then did I tear my eyes from her face and look around. We were stopped in front of a hut, and when she got out and jerked her head toward the door, I scrambled out and gave chase. Running up the wooden steps, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw what was inside.

I swallowed…nothing. My throat was dry and my palms were sweaty. And there was some weird pounding happening in my chest. Right inside the door was an enormous bed. And she stood next to it with an innocent look on her face. Or devious. Which it was, I couldn’t tell. Was she luring me back here to have her way with me? Or was she genuinely innocent and only brought me back here because she thought I needed help?

Right now, I needed some smelling salts. Or a defibrillator. Hell, I was going to die right here in the doorway before I even found out her intentions.

I vaguely heard the sound of her lilting voice as she spoke to me. I tore my eyes from the massive bed and stared at her with hearts and flowers in my eyes. As if my hands had a mind of their own, they drifted up to my chest to cover my heart. She looked at me strangely, her lips twitching with humor. Again, she repeated those scintillating words that made my heart go pitter-pat.

I started nodding out of control. My head was no longer being controlled by my neck, but by the very large, bulging head in my pants. She continued to talk as she walked over to her dresser. I followed like a puppy who just found his master after a very long absence. She opened the top drawer and started pulling out bras and panties—all black and extremely sexy. I sniffed the bra just as another pair of panties hit me in the face. The grin on my face would never leave.

But when she pulled out a Sig Sauer Rattler, my smile morphed into something entirely different. I couldn’t decide if I was turned on or terrified by this new revelation.

“Um…you’re not planning on using that on me, right?”

The side of her mouth tugged up as she turned back to her dresser and pulled out some ammo. “Devemos sair.” We must leave.


She grinned and shoved her way past me. I looked longingly at the large bed, my cock begging for me to stay here and finish what he so desperately needed. But the way my Rambo lady walked out the door, hips swaying as she held the Rattler in her hand, there was no staying behind. I threw the lingerie on the bed, then changed my mind and grabbed one pair of black panties and stuffed them in my pocket. When I turned back to her, she had a beautiful smile on her face as her eyes fell to where I’d just stuffed her delicates.

“For later,” I said, hoping she understood.

“Você é o americano que veio há dois dias.” You are the American who came two days ago.

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