Page 81 of Playing With Fire
That gave me pause. “She’s in labor?”
He winced, stepping back. “I’m pretty sure that’s why he came down here. You know, the thought of going through another delivery and all.”
“Yeah, like he was there for them,” I sighed.
“I think it was more that Sinner wasn’t going to be there to help out. So, you see, you can’t go because if you return without Cap, you’re going to face the brunt of Maggie’s wrath.”
Shit, he had a point. There was no way I could leave without him. There was nothing so terrifying as Maggie when she was pissed off and near hand grenades. And I could guarantee she had them near her from the moment Cap walked out the door.
“You know, I always wanted to explore the jungle,” I told him casually.
“I thought so. It’s beautiful this time of year.”
“Exactly, and you can’t beat the sweltering heat.”
“And the humidity. I don’t think I have to tell you what it does for your hair.”
“It’s looking better already,” I nodded.
“So, we should stick around and treat ourselves to all the jungle has to offer.”
“It’s like a spa weekend,” I agreed.
“Exactly, or a spa month, depending on how long it takes to find Cap.”
“Right.” I nodded and looked around the hut. We were extremely short on space, but it would have to do. “I’ll take the bed.”
“Hey, that’s?—”
“Unless you want me to call Maggie and tell her you lost her husband.”
He swallowed hard. “The bed is all yours.”
“Did you hear them all night?” I asked, walking over to the counter and grabbing the instant coffee. This stuff was absolute crap, but I needed it after the night we had.
Jackson lifted his head from where it rested on the counter. He had a piece of cereal stuck to his face and lines from where his face was smooshed. “Hear them? At one point, they came in here and did it on the table. They didn’t even let me get outside first.”
I laughed, not because it was funny, but because Rob finally had a woman. None of us ever thought it would happen. While the rest of us were out falling in love, he was stuck behind the desk, destined to be alone forever. There was no time to get out and meet a woman.
“Yeah, laugh it up. You didn’t see what I did. I might never be the same.”
“You’ve seen a dick before.” I turned on the hot water and prepared myself for lukewarm coffee.
“It wasn’t that. Did you know Rob has a Prince Albert?”
“So does Cazzo,” I informed him. “And so do I. You got a problem with that?”
He grimaced and slowly looked down at my crotch. “Didn’t that hurt? Why would you do that?”
I shot him a grin, knowing he would never truly understand. “Because it makes it so much better.”
“No, dumbass, working out.” I tossed a rag at him, then turned back and dipped my cup under the running water.