Page 87 of Playing With Fire
Seconds of sheer torture passed as I waited for him to wake up. This had to work.
A bang sounded at the door and my head jerked up. “Why the fuck is my door locked?” I heard Knight shout.
I hurried around and knelt in front of Ryan, slapping his face to wake him up. “Come on, Ryan. I know you’re not dead. Giulia wouldn’t let me kill you.”
Knight was banging on the door, and I knew I only had minutes until he broke in. I slapped Ryan’s face even harder, but still nothing happened. “This was supposed to work!” I shouted. “Come on!”
The banging stopped momentarily, quickly followed by an explosion that shoved me forward, toppling into Ryan’s limp body. Pieces of metal and plaster fell over me as boots rushed into the room. I was dragged away from Ryan’s body and flung over. I gasped for air, staring up at Knight’s enraged face. When he saw that I was okay, he hurried over to Ryan and sat him upright. I shifted to watch as Knight patted him on the cheek.
“I already tried that. It won’t work,” I muttered.
But then Ryan coughed and looked up into Knight’s face. “What the fuck happened?”
“Not sure,” Knight said cautiously. He slid a terrifying look my way. “Care to explain?”
I stared at Ryan in shock. I couldn’t believe that actually worked. He was alive, and now he could tell them what happened. I laughed, tossing my head back in glee. “It fucking worked!”
“What the fuck, man?” Ryan shouted. “You fucking hurt me.”
“But you’re not dead!” I jumped to my feet and hurried over to him, still laughing in a cross between hysterics and disbelief. “You’re not dead!”
“You already said that. Were you hoping I would be?”
“What’s going on?” Knight asked.
“He’s not dead!” I laughed again, positive that I looked like a crazy person. “Do you know what this means?”
“Hunter!” Knight snapped. “Put Rob in restraints.”
“What?” I shook my head. “No, you have to listen to me. This is all fake. All of it.” I rushed over to the bench and grabbed a knife. “Do you see this? It’s not real.” I twisted it around and stabbed myself in the stomach, only this time, the knife sliced through my skin instead of retracting into the hilt. I registered the pain in a delayed reaction, sucking in a breath as I slowly looked down at the blood oozing from my skin. “I…I don’t understand.”
“Jesus Christ,” Hunter muttered, hurrying over to me. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“That wasn’t supposed to happen,” I said in confusion.
“Knives penetrate the skin,” Hunter said, hurrying to put pressure on my wound. “A little help, Knight?”
I heard his snort of derision. “For a guy that purposely stabbed himself? Are you kidding me?”
“Knight!” Hunter snapped. “Get your ass over here. Call it in!”
“Fine,” Knight sighed.
My legs gave out and Hunter caught me, lowering me to the floor. He stared down at me in concern as he pressed down hard on the wound. Fuck, that hurt. “Just hang in there, man. I’ll take care of you.”
“Don’t talk right now,” he said, cursing low under his breath. My vision went in and out as people stomped into the room. I vaguely saw Ryan staring at me, probably wondering what the fuck had set me off. This wasn’t going to help me prove to everyone that I wasn’t insane.
I felt a prick in my arm and looked down as Hunter stuck an IV in me. I looked up at him, grabbing his hand in mine. “She’s trying to kill my girlfriend.”
“Who?” He asked, concentrating on his job.
“Giulia. She’s…stop her.”
“Just relax. We’ll talk about this when you’re awake.”
That was the last thing I heard before the darkness crept in and oblivion took over.