Page 90 of Playing With Fire
“She did?”
“Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better now. I think I just need some sleep.”
“Right,” Kate played along. “I’m going to prescribe him some medicine. He should feel a lot better by morning. But I’d like him to stay here in the meantime.”
“He should have supervision,” Hunter added.
“We can take shifts,” Kate grinned. “I’ll be back to check on you later. I have to get home and check on Knight. God knows he’s already pacing the house like a rabid dog.”
“Thanks, Kate.”
“Of course.”
She shot me a knowing look before walking out the door. Then I was left with Hunter, and as long as I didn’t give him any reason to be suspicious, I might just survive the night without being shoved into a looney bin.
“No!” I slammed my hands down on my desk, slumping over in my chair. Nothing is working right now, and the stress is really getting to me. I’m supposed to be finishing up a new book for the Reed Security series, but Rob isn’t cooperating.
“Honey bunny, is everything okay?” my husband Oci called from the other room.
“Yeah,” I grumbled, staring at my keyboard. “If I started typing, maybe the character would stop arguing with me and just go with the flow. That usually worked, but these were strange times indeed. It wasn’t often that my characters had such a strong reaction to my storylines. They usually just went with the flow.
Muffled footsteps signaled one of my four children were heading my way. Thankfully, it was the adult-sized child in the form of my husband. He placed his hands on my shoulders and massaged lightly. I groaned, grateful my husband always knew what I needed.
“You don’t sound okay, honey. What’s going on?”
“Rob is being an ass,” I muttered.
“Okay,” he said slowly, his Slovak accent taking the edge off his confused reply. Then again, he was a foreigner. Maybe he really was confused, but I was pretty sure by now he was well aware of my eccentricities when it came to writing. “I’m guessing Rob is a character in your book?”
“And he’s being an ass.”
I could hear him holding back his chuckle and turned around to thwack him. Covering his mouth, a huge smile spread across his face. “What? It was a legitimate question!”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean you have to laugh at me!”
“I’m sorry,” he continued laughing. It was only because of his adorable accent that I forgave him so easily. If he were an American, I would kick his ass. “What’s the problem?”
At least he was trying to be understanding. “I wasn’t happy with the way things are going in my newsletter update, and I’m turning that into a book. So, I decided this character Rob met in the jungle had to go.”
“Okay,” he drawled. “And why don’t you like her? Was she mean to you?”
I glared at him. “No, I made her speak a foreign language. It was funny at first, but now I have to keep looking up phrases for her to say. It’s really annoying!”
“So, get rid of her.”
“I want to, but Rob’s fighting me.”
Again, he looked at me strangely. This wasn’t the first time I considered that he might throw me in a looney bin. “The characters are in your book.”
“I know that.”
“And you’re writing them.”