Page 109 of Hateful Prince
Dr. Masterson: *musing hum*
Kai: Why are you sitting behind your desk at your bloody computer? You’re always across from me, scribbling on your wee notepad.
Dr. Masterson: Because there’s less time and more to take note of. Clearly your dragon is more present. I can see the dragon fire in your eyes. How are you feeling about that?
Kai: Fine.
Dr. Masterson: Mmm-hmm. It’s a bit of a one-eighty from your feelings when you arrived at Blackwood. Why the change of heart when you used to be so against the idea?
Kai: I’m working on balance, as you always say I should. That means giving him more agency.
Dr. Masterson: And is that the only reason for this new symbiotic relationship?
Kai: *snarl* Why ask questions when ye already ken the answer?
Dr. Masterson: Kai? What’s happened? He’s never been this vocal before.
Kai: This. This happened.
Dr. Masterson: W-w-wings? Oh my stars. I’ve never seen dragon wings in the flesh.
Kai: Don’t fucking touch them.
Dr. Masterson: *startled gasp* I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep. *clears throat*
Dr. Masterson: When did this occur?
Kai: You don’t want to know the answer to that question.
Dr. Masterson: You don’t seem to understand the meaning of therapy. I am a safe space. You can share anything with me. There’s no limit to what I’m willing to hear.
Kai: That may be true, but there’s a limit on what I’m willing tae share. Especially when it concerns my mate.
Dr. Masterson: *defeated sigh* Fine. But it would seem you and your dragon have found a... balance, as you say?
Kai: I am no longer fighting against our bond, if that’s what you're inquiring.
Dr. Masterson: I’d say that’s excellent progress. And have you found your previous fears unfounded?