Page 16 of Hateful Prince
That’s when I clocked the dirt and blood streaked across him. “Please tell me these flowers weren’t attached to a wood nymph.”
Cain snorted, reaching for a towel and tossing it at Tor. “Those are weeds.”
A low rumble was Tor’s only response before I stepped forward and placed a palm on his firm chest. “Thank you for the flowers.”
“You haven’t even seen them yet,” Cain muttered.
“Doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts,” I said without taking my eyes off my beast. “Now, why are you covered in blood? It’s barely ten thirty in the morning.”
“I was hunting,” he said, wrapping the towel around his hips while Cain did the same.
I immediately mourned the loss of all that eye candy. Note to self: do less laundry.
“And you?” I asked, nodding to Cain, whose chest still glistened with the remnants of his shower.
“I needed a shower. I didn’t want you coming back to find me in any state other than ready for you.”
That rumble built in Tor’s chest again.
How to handle this . . .
I glanced between them, not sure how to explain what had transpired between Cain and me last night. He’d asked me not to tell the others about his returned memories. I was pretty sure that included that he thought I was the reincarnation of Persephone. But how else did I explain how we ended up in bed together?
“Um. There was an orgy.”
“Excuse me?” Tor growled.
Shit. Probably not the best opening.
“Merri, you know, the new succubus? She sort of set everyone off. Cain and I narrowly escaped.”
Cain’s arms were crossed over his chest, his lips quirked up in amusement as I dug myself a deeper hole.
“Blame that little succubus all you want. She just opened a door the two of us were keeping locked. You’re mine now, baby doll. After last night, there’s no way for either of us to deny it.”
Lightning flashed in Tor’s rapidly darkening eyes. Cain was about to get his head ripped clean off his body if I didn’t get this under control fast.
“I’m his soulmate,” I blurted. “Same as with you. It’s like I told you, I’m connected to all four of you.”
Cas and I hadn’t technically crossed that bridge, but after his twin flames proclamation the other day, it was just a matter of time. It seemed I was destined for a four-layer footlong. Or would it be five? I wasn’t sure if I counted in that combination.
“Glad to see your time with Masterson has helped you accept the truth,” Cain drawled.
Tor was still frightfully quiet. I’d never hidden my attachment to the others from him, but that didn’t mean it was easy for him or his beast to accept. He’d done remarkably well with Kai. I was just hoping the trend continued.
“Tor?” I whispered, looking up at him and trying desperately not to take it personally when he looked away. He was sucking in breaths, his hands opening and closing into tight fists at his sides. He was fighting to remain in control.
“It’s all right, my beauty. I just... I need a moment. I didn’t expect to have to share you with him. Especially not after the way he’s treated you all this time.”
“Me either,” I said with a little laugh.
“That’s all over now. I know who and what she is to me. I’m done fighting it.”
My eyes snapped to Cain’s blazing blues. The intense longing in his gaze had my belly twisting, my arms aching to wrap around him and hold him close.
God, it was hard to keep any distance between us when he was looking at me like that. No matter how many times I told myself his feelings weren’t real, that they were for someone else, when he was standing right next to me, looking at me like I was his reason for breathing, it was a whole lot harder to believe it.
“Your soulmate?” Tor bit out.