Page 18 of Hateful Prince
“What did this child’s toy ever do to you?” Hook asked, reaching down and picking it up by the hair.
“Watch it, you Captain Jack knockoff. I’m delicate,” the fucking doll said.
Tor flinched, sending Caspian into another bout of laughter. “Gods, this is priceless.”
Dahlia rolled her lips together, trying hard to fight laughter of her own. “This is my fault.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I sort of possessed it by accident. Well, I’m not personally possessing it, but I’m the reason it’s possessed. You know, with the ghost powers and the Jennifer Love Hewitt of it all.”
The doll giggled. “Your tits are way better. Give yourself some credit.”
Dahlia shot the doll a scathing look. “I thought you were a kid. You shouldn’t be looking at anyone’s tits.”
“How can I help it? Also, I’m older than you, Tits McGee. I’ve been around for three hundred years, most of it trapped in that damn jar. All I had was whatever trash TV my captor was watching to keep me company.”
The high-pitched child's voice only added to the hilarity of the moment. Well, at least for us. It seemed to send Tor spiraling deeper.
“Someone make it stop talking.”
Dahlia turned around and cupped Tor’s cheek. “It’s okay, baby. Kat won’t hurt you.”
Cain chimed in from further inside Dahlia’s room. “How are we supposed to shut her up? Her mouth don’t even open and close.”
Since he was still holding the doll, Hook slid one of his hands over her painted mouth.
“Nice try, stuffing-for-brains.” The doll’s reply was crystal clear and perfectly enunciated, Hook’s hand doing nothing to muffle her speech.
The pirate shrugged. “Well, I tried. You can’t say I’m not being supportive.”
“Let’s take this inside,” I muttered, grabbing Hook by the elbow.
“No! Don’t bring it in here!” Tor shouted, stumbling over himself as he hastened away.
Cain gave him a withering look. “How is it you are terrified of a harmless fucking doll?”
“Who you calling harmless, Foghorn Leghorn? I’ve burned entire houses to the ground.”
The lights in the room flickered as Cain scowled.
There was no hiding my dragon’s amusement. “Child’s play. Speak to me when you’ve razed entire villages to little more than embers.”
The doll’s head slowly twisted until those glass eyes stared unblinkingly at me. “Noted.”
“Lucky for you, I don’t hurt children.”
Cain’s words only seemed to amuse her, if the ghostly laughter floating through the room was any indication. Tor flinched as she returned her attention to the others. “Lucky for you, I’m already dead.”
“You think death would stop me? That’s when I’m at my best, little girl.”
Dahlia’s eyes went wide, and more than one eyebrow was raised in Cain’s direction. He seemed different today. More self-aware, perhaps.
“Release yer fire, rid us all of this ridiculous wee pest. She’s a distraction we can ill afford.”
If I did that, who knew where the spirit would end up? Also, I’d kill Hook. Hmm, the idea had merit.
“Lock it up, I beg of you,” Tor said, skin leached of all color. He wasn’t quite trembling, but it was close. He looked seconds away from losing his breakfast.