Page 25 of Hateful Prince
Tick . . .
“What is that?” I shook my head at the incessant and painfully loud sound.
“What are you talking about?”
“Ticking. It’s a clock. Where is it? How can you stand it? The damned thing is so loud.”
She reached out and cupped my stubbled jaw. “Cas, there’s not a clock in here.”
“Yes there bloody well is. Fuck.” I was desperate to get the noise under control. “Turn it off.”
“I can’t.”
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as the whispers rushed through my mind.
“Time is up.”
“Get out while you can.”
“Before it’s too late.”
“I have to go,” I said, frantic.
“Cas, what’s happening?”
I couldn’t answer her. I pressed my hands to my ears as the ticking clock continued so loud I thought my ears would bleed. Shaking my head at her, I stumbled out of her room and down the hall to my own, desperate to find something that would drown out this infernal torture.
With each pulse of my heart, I grew closer to the truth. It wasn’t a clock in her room tormenting me. It was all in my mind. It was my madness.
The whispers were right. I was running out of time.
Session Transcript: December 11th
Dr. Masterson: This is Dr. Elizabeth Masterson. It is December 11th, and the time is 1:00 p.m. This is a recorded session with Cain Alexander. Cain, it’s been a while since our last session. Why don’t you tell me how you feel your progress has been?
Dr. Masterson: Cain?
Cain: What? Oh, sorry.
Dr. Masterson: You seem preoccupied. Is something wrong?
Cain: I just thought the other guy would be here.
Cain: He’s going to do that the entire session. If you’d just let him in here?—
Dr. Masterson: I told you, no distractions. I made special allowances for him as you adjusted.
Dr. Masterson: Would you prefer Dr. Temperance?