Page 27 of Hateful Prince
Dr. Masterson: You tell me. Last we spoke, you were doing your damnedest to avoid her, but by all accounts, you’ve been spending a lot of time in her room these past few days. I’m honestly surprised Tor allows it.
Cain: *snarls* He has no say in what I do.
Dr. Masterson: *patronizing laugh* Don’t let him hear you say that. Mated Berserkers are notoriously unhinged when it comes to their mates. Dragons too, for that matter. I can’t imagine Kai or Tor will make it easy for you, possessive and territorial as their beasts are.
Cain: I claimed her first. There’s nothing that could eclipse our bond.
Dr. Masterson: Tell me more about that.
Cain: She. Is. Mine. Has always been. Will always be. ’Nuff said.
Dr. Masterson: C’mon, Cain. I need more than that. You’re singing a completely different tune. In order to help you, I need to know what changed.
Cain: *heavy sigh* A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell. You should know that, and if you don’t, you need to be looking for a different man.
Dr. Masterson: How much of your memory has returned?
Cain: Why does it matter so much to you?
Dr. Masterson: Helping you get back on your feet and proving that you have control has always been the goal here, Cain. You don’t have to be so antagonistic. I’m not the enemy.
Cain: Hmph.
Dr. Masterson: *sigh* Cain, if you’re not going to be honest with me, then I can’t help you.
Cain: Glad we’re finally on the same page, Doc. Guess that means our session is over.
Dr. Masterson: Cain . . .
Cain: See you around, Doc.
Dr. Masterson: Session terminated at 1:27 p.m. Subject’s refusal to admit that he has recovered some, if not all, of his memories is concerning. If he’s returned to full strength, the Ripper may not be Blackwood’s biggest threat. Recommendation going forward: additional surveillance when possible and reservation of maximum security holding cell in No Man’s Land should he become a danger to himself or others.
End of transcript.