Page 41 of Hateful Prince
He nodded. “Your ability to interact with souls is far more in line with my ability to control and punish them.”
Caspian squirmed in his seat.
Dahlia focused her attention on Hades. “So what am I, then, Mr. Know It All?”
“Mine,” all of us answered as one.
Her round arse wiggled in my lap, and I had to bite back a groan at the friction. “Careful, Kærasta. I’m not ashamed to take you right here in front of all of them.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Caspian stood so fast his chair fell over. “I’ve been preparing my whole life for this moment. Tor, you stay there. Dahlia, get naked. Cain, wait, Hades. Fuck, what are we supposed to call you now?”
“Cain,” the god of the underworld said as he got to his feet and began unbuttoning his shirt. “Until we know who’s behind this and why, I’d rather keep the rest between us. And if you think you’re directing this, you couldn’t be more wrong. Go stand in the corner and take notes. Something tells me you need to learn a thing or two.”
“Oh, get fucked, mate,” Caspian said, throwing his fingers up in a reverse peace sign to emphasize the message. “The hell I’m sitting this one out. Team building, that’s what it’s called, right? I can’t think of a better way for the five of us to bond. What do you say, darling, would you like to see the Eiffel Tower?”
“What the hell is he going on about?” Kai asked.
“It’s a sex position,” Dahlia murmured. “The girl is bent between two guys, and they, uh, high five, and it resembles?—”
“Say no more, gem. This time I’m taking you from behind. Tor, you can fuck her face.”
“There is no realm in existence where I will be high-fiving anyone during sex. Least of all one of you miserable clingers-on.”
“Not even me?” Dahlia asked, smirking. “What if I do a really good job?”
I tried and failed to fight my smile. “I’ll make every exception for you, beauty.”
Dipping my head, I kissed her neck, loving the way she melted into me. Her sigh of pleasure went straight to my cock. So we were doing this, then.
“This has been a very strange day,” she whispered on a moan as the other three approached.
“But you like strange, love. Admit it,” Cas said.
“I—God, I—” she began, but the godsdamned door opened, and that infernal troll Joffrey cleared his throat.
“Oh, so you’re not dead. Very good. Congratulations. Now leave. This room needs to be sanitized and saged. Recreational time is over.”
“Motherfucking son of a whore,” Caspian groaned. “Will my dreams never come true?”
“Yours and mine both,” Dahlia laughed softly. “Better luck next time, Cas.”
“Oh, my girl is a cruel mistress.”
“Did you lot not hear me? Get out. Rec room is closed for... ugh... cleaning.” Joffrey stalked across the room and began slamming chair after chair atop one another.
“To be continued?” Dahlia asked us.
“Yes, beauty. Absolutely.”
Ticktock Ticktock Ticktock