Page 74 of Hateful Prince
As soon as his smug face appeared, a frisson of anger swept through me. Was I staring into the eyes of my attacker? He was certainly the right height and build. I tried to envision a plague mask on his stupid head.
“You’re not supposed to be in this wing. This is for staff only,” he said, instantly puffing up his chest and looking down his nose at me.
I leaned on the doorframe, one arm above my head so I could sprinkle the granules of dust over his. “Not even if I’ve got a special message from the object of your desire?”
The suspicion on his face swiftly transformed into lustful intrigue. Bless pixie dust. It truly was the greatest discovery of all time. And so versatile.
“Yes, that’s right. Merri is waiting for you. She’s spread out like a... Thanksgiving feast.” It was Americans who did the whole turkey and pie thing, right? I thought so.
“Where is she?”
“Follow me. I’ll take you to her. She paid me handsomely to find the two of you somewhere private. We can’t risk anyone overhearing and attempting to ruin your fun, can we?”
The wanker didn’t even bother grabbing a shirt. He just followed me like I was an avatar of the Pied Piper. More the fool. We know how well that turned out, don’t we?
In a few short moments, we were climbing the stairs of Kai’s tower, Swiftie breathing harder with each step. For someone who appeared fit, he was actually pretty out of shape. A niggling worm of suspicion burrowed in my brain at that observation. Was a diabolical killer such as the Ripper really unable to ascend a staircase without becoming winded?
That didn’t bode well for the revenge plot brewing in the tower. Cain and the others were going to be seriously disappointed. But that was their problem. I’d played my part rather gloriously, if I do say so myself.
I shook my head fiercely to rid myself of the unwanted sound. I was nearly there. Nearly with my darling. She’d banish the madness. She’d ground me.
“You should go first,” I said as we reached the last curve of the staircase. “Best you don’t keep her waiting.”
He nearly shoved me down in his haste to obey. My lip curled in anger. We needed him alive, but he didn’t have to be unharmed. Maybe just a little slip of my dagger to help him remember his manners?
“Merri? Wait, what is this?” he asked, walking backward once he reached the top and discovered that it was not a sexy succubus awaiting him, but a very different sort of welcoming committee.
I braced myself on the wall of the stairwell, not willing to let this sod get the better of me. “Oh, no you don’t.” Catching hold of him as he tried to flee, I forcefully shoved him up the remaining few steps and into the room.
“I don’t understand. You said she was here. What are they all doing?”
“Looks like it’s time for us all to come clean, Swiftie. Merri’s not here. She never was. But you? You have some explaining to do.”
“M-me?” he stuttered, his sense of self-preservation kicking in. Though it still wasn’t enough to counteract the pixie dust.
“We have a seat for you and everything. Think of it as a party, and you’re tonight’s entertainment.” I gave him another little shove, and this time Tor was there, grabbing Swiftie by the arm and yanking him down into the chair he and Kai procured.
As soon as they took over, I considered my part concluded and immediately sought out Dahlia. She’d been standing the furthest away from the door, sandwiched between Cain and Kai, Oz hovering in front of her.
“How do you want him, Oz?” Tor asked. “Does he have to be conscious?”
Swiftie’s eyes widened. “Oz? No. He’ll melt my brain. Don’t let him touch me.”