Page 80 of Hateful Prince
“When did you get a doggy door?” I asked when Asshole let himself out.
“Tor offered to make me one the other day. Decided to take him up on it so the pup could come and go as he pleased.”
“That was... thoughtful of him. Even if he’s keeping me from the possibility of vengeance,” I grumbled.
Hades stood in front of me, his body positioned between my thighs, and all I could do was look at either his crotch or gaze up until I found his face. I chose his face—until he began unbuckling his belt. The sound pulled my eyes back to where I knew he was already hard and straining.
“What are you doing?” I whispered.
“I thought we might play a little show and tell.”
“What?” I asked, my eyes darting to his eyes, certain I’d misheard him.
“I’m gonna show you my dick and then tell you what to do with it.”
Oh fuck me, that was a great line.
“I’m stealing that line,” I said after swallowing and fighting to find my voice.
“As long as you suck me until I come down your throat, I don’t care what you do with my words.”
“What makes you think I want to suck your dick, huh?”
“Well, mainly the way you keep licking your lips like I’m about to offer you a lollipop.”
He had me there. It was hard to maintain the high ground when just the sight of his erection had me grinding my hips against the chair in search of friction.
“Just think of it like a sexy pacifier. Something to help your mouth and brain shut up for a while.”
“Pacifiers aren’t sex—” I began, but before I could finish, his cock was there, pushing into my mouth and stopping any words.
I was sure the feminist part of me should be offended by the manhandling, but she wasn’t. The dude had a point. I needed a distraction, and his dick was the best one I could think of. And I couldn’t exactly have an anxiety rant while choking on it, so... game point to him, I guess.
Salty precum hit my tastebuds as he gripped my hair and pushed inside as far as I could take him. My mouth watered, and I reminded myself to breathe through my nose as he used me. Fuck, I was wet. I could feel the moisture collecting in my panties.
Using the hold he had on my hair, he worked me up and down his length. He wasn’t so much fucking my face as using my face to fuck him. If that made sense. I felt deliciously used, in the absolute best possible way. Right now, in this exact moment, nothing else mattered except him and me and getting him off.
I was a tool of his pleasure. An extension of himself. His in every way that mattered.
“Yes, baby. Take it all down your throat like the good fucking girl you are. Fuck.”
A happy groan escaped me at the praise.
Using his free hand, he caressed the side of my face and down my neck, his groan joining mine when his fingers brushed along the front of it. “Fuck, baby doll, I can feel myself sliding down your throat.”
Somehow he was touching me everywhere—featherlight brushes across my tits, my hips, up my inner thighs. His shadows. They were busy even as he was in the throes of what had to have been the best blow job he’d ever had, if the way he was panting and groaning was any indication.
His enjoyment was ratcheting up my own, and it wasn’t long at all before the rocking of my hips matched his. The shadows wrapped around my legs and parted my thighs wide. I was still dressed, but that meant nothing to the wispy tendrils composed of magic and darkness. One of them slid under my waistband as Hades gripped my hair with both hands now, fucking my face and bringing tears to my eyes.
Oh God, he was going to get me off with his shadows.
I thought he might tease me with it, rubbing it along my clit the same way he did with his fingers, but he surprised me by going straight for my aching core, filling me up in one smooth and perfect thrust. I let out a garbled moan, which in turn made him grunt. His thighs were trembling from the effort he was using to hold back his climax.
I wanted to tell him it was okay. That I was right there with him. But it was pretty hard to say anything with my mouth full of him. I was close, so close. I swallowed around his length, and he barked out a harsh cry.
“Together, or not at all, baby.”
I didn’t have a chance to wonder what he meant by that because soon, a second shadow joined the first. Except instead of my core, it was teasing that forbidden pucker. None of my men had taken me there yet, though I knew it was only a matter of time. I’d written these scenes before. I knew what was required when one woman had multiple men to satisfy.