Page 88 of Hateful Prince
Dr. Masterson: *soft hum* I see. Well, perhaps after we wrap up today, I can be of some assistance with your doll problem.
Tor: *low growl* Dahlia’s handling it.
Dr. Masterson: Is she now? Brilliant. Glad to hear she’s practicing.
Dr. Masterson: Now, tell me, aside from your issues with the doll, how do you feel your control is coming along? We haven’t had any issues since the last time you were in No Man’s Land. Anything I should be aware of?
Tor: No.
Dr. Masterson: Are you lying, Tor? I can only help you if you let me.
Tor: *heavy sigh* I might have trashed Dahlia’s room a little when I couldn’t find her. But I wasn’t out of control. Just worried. My daily trips to the woods have been going a long way to slake any lingering bloodlust.
Dr. Masterson: Good. That’s very good. Do you still find yourself more at ease when she’s nearby?
Tor: Of course I bloody do. She’s mine. *agitated huff*
Dr. Masterson: That tracks with what we know of Berserkers and mate bonds in general, truth be told. Especially such a new bond. How is that working, sharing your mate with others?
Tor: *series of growls*
Dr. Masterson: I’ll take that to mean it’s a work in progress. Well, I suppose that is to be expected. Anyway, back to why I was asking. Blackwood is about to have some guests. A few you may recognize, actually.
Tor: What?
Dr. Masterson: Yes. For the gala. This year the Donoghue Trust will be represented by the Duke of Canterbury and his mate, and if the guest list is accurate, at least one of the Mercer brothers will be in attendance. I believe you have a history with them both.
Tor: *explosive growls*
Dr. Masterson: Tor? Tor!
Bruno: Everything all right in here?
Dr. Masterson: We’re fine. Thank you, Bruno.
Bruno: I’ll be right outside if you need me.
Tor: *growling continues*
Dr. Masterson: Calm yourself. If this is how you react to the name alone, then you will be banned from attending at your mate’s side. Do you want that? To be locked away again, or worse?
Tor: *softer growls*
Dr. Masterson: I didn’t think so.
Tor: I nearly killed Bentley Mercer.
Dr. Masterson: I am aware.