Page 92 of Hateful Prince
“You speak my love language.”
“Aye, lass. I do.” Setting the tray on her desk, I crossed the room and joined her on the bed. “Do ye need me to leave so you can finish your scene without distraction?”
She shut her computer and shook her head, swinging her legs over the side of her bed. “Just the fact that you offered means a lot.”
Her lips brushed over mine, soft as a butterfly’s wings, and then she stood and padded over to my offering of food.
“Mmm, all my favorites. And you even made a mashed potato mountain.”
“Well, you did such a fine job with the last one. It was a shame you dinnae get to enjoy it.”
“Some people would think it was silly to create a landscape out of your food.”
“Some people are stupid and have no sense of adventure.” I winked at her and watched my woman take a bite. The way her eyes rolled back in her head as she moaned in pleasure made me eager to pull that sound from her for a totally different reason.
After she finished her meal, of course.
She sidled up to me, bringing her plate with her. “Eat with me? I don’t like to eat when someone else is with me unless they’re enjoying the meal too.”
“Of course, whatever you desire, gem. There’s only the one set of silverware, though, so we’ll have to share.”
“Oh shucks, I guess you’ll just have to feed me. However will I endure the misery of it all?”
Little did she know, the act of feeding her by hand was a fucking turn-on. Dragons were possessive, we knew this, but they were also devoted caregivers when their mates were concerned.
I fed her from the plate, letting her do the same for me until it was empty, and we set it aside. Then I let myself take something else I’d been hungering for. Her mouth.
“Mmm, dessert might be my favorite part.” She snuggled against me, her arms wound around my neck as she came in for another kiss.
With the strength of a saint, I pulled away. “Hang on, gem. If we get started, we won’t get to do what I came here for.”
“You mean you didn’t come here to rail me into next week?”
Shaking my head with a gentle laugh, I said, “No. I came here to feed you and teach you to dance so you’re prepared for the gala.”
“I... you...” She blinked at me a couple of times, emotion making her eyes stormy. “Kai,” she finally managed, her voice a tender whisper.
“You mentioned it was something that you were worried about. I may not be able to do anything about the other things that make you anxious, but with this one, I definitely can. Care to dance with me, my treasure?”
I stood and held out a hand, waiting for her to take it. After a brief hesitation, she fitted her palm into mine and allowed me to pull her up until she was against me.
“What if I’m bad at it?”
“It is not,” she protested with a laugh.
Smug male pride filled my voice as I leaned in close, my lips at her ear. “Nae, gem. It is, because I’ve seen the way you move when you’re riding me. You have all the grace and rhythm you need.”
The way her cheeks filled with an embarrassed flush had me tipping her chin up so I could kiss her. “Never be embarrassed about how beautiful you are.”
“What kind of dance are you going to teach me?”
“I thought we’d start with something slow and basic.”
“Sounds good.” Then she surprised me by stepping out of my arms and over to the bed.
“Where are you going?”