Page 6 of Warlander Grizzly
Dad glanced at the shovel in his hand and said, “Nah, I’m going to dig up Kirk’s stupid-looking neon-pink rosebushes, move them to the edge of the woods, and see how long it takes him to notice.”
Landon nodded. Sounded like a good plan. “I can help.”
“Obviously. I’ve been waiting for one of you dipshits to come home and offer. My back hurts—”
“Well, that’s what happens when you get old.”
“You didn’t let me finish. My back hurts from fuckin’ your mom.”
Landon winced. “Thanks for the visual, Dad.”
“Speaking of boning,” Clinton said, slamming the cooler lid closed and popping the top of his beer. “Who has you frazzled?”
“I’m not frazzled,” Landon grumbled. “Whatever that means.”
“I’ve been doing word searches with your mother,” Clinton told him. “I’ve been waiting weeks to use that word.” He canted his head and studied Landon through narrowed eyes. “This happens to us all eventually, son. Fuller dicks are not meant to go unowned. Some female is going to come along and lock you down, and there is nothing you can do about it. They cannot help themselves. We are an irresistible breed. Do I know her?”
“Uuuuh,” he murmured softly. He had no idea how Dad would react to him admitting he had a thing for Lucia Novak, the grizzly-shifter daughter of Beaston Novak. “I’m taking a girl on a date tomorrow.”
“A date,” his dad repeated softly as he sank down into the chair on the front porch of the single-wide. “Like…dinner and a blow job?”
“Maybe just dinner.”
Dad offered him a slow blink, then turned his head slightly and called out, “Alyssa! Your youngest has lost his mind and fallen for a woman. We need your advice.”
“I don’t need mom’s advice,” Landon whispered. “I came for yours.”
“Have you sent her a dick pic?” Clinton asked, concern etched in every facet of his face.
“Of course!” Landon whisper-screamed.
“Never mind, honey, I’ve got this,” Dad called out as Mom was rustling in the trailer. To Landon, he asked, “Why didn’t you lead with that? You worried me for a minute. I thought you didn’t have any game or something.” Clinton took a long draw of beer and then let off an, “Aaaaah. Okay, so describe her.”
“Well, she has jet-black hair and green eyes. She dresses like she’s shaped like a box most of the time, but I’ve seen her in skinny jeans and she made my pants all tight. She’s sassy and powerful and knows her mind, and she’s a little scary.”
The smile on his dad’s face had grown as he’d been describing Lucia. “Us Fullers like the scary ones, boy. It’s in our blood. What’s her name?”
Landon hesitated.
“Come on, boy. Stop fuckin’ around. What’s her name?”
His dad’s face went blank. Just…all expression left the building. He blinked slowly. “Only Lucia I’ve ever heard of is a Novak, and I know you don’t mean Lucia Novak.”
“What had happened was—”
“Fuck off,” Dad said, sitting up straighter in his rocking chair. “Do you seriously mean Lucia Novak?”
His mother opened the door and handed Dad a huge portion of beef stroganoff on a paper plate. Dad ate it in silence as his mother looked back and forth between them. “What’s going on?” she asked.
“I was just telling Dad—”
“He’s after Lucia Novak,” Dad said around a bite of food.
“You’re trying to kill her?” Mom demanded.
“No! I think I want to date her!” Landon uttered.