Page 68 of Warlander Grizzly
She appreciated today, because indeed, she did know how dark things could be.
Landon and his crazy family were a surprising bright spot.
Chapter Fourteen
Lucia put the pair of shots in front of the two ladies at the bar who were talking about some drama at the job they worked.
“Thank you,” the blonde said. Lucia nodded, then started in on the big drink order that had just come through for table nine.
It was wild in here tonight, but it always was on Saturday nights. It had been eight days since the last vision, and she was in that honeymoon phase of knowing she would get one again, but enjoying every second of experiencing normalcy. Or as normal as life could be for a shifter.
She’d moved into her trailer at Smashland for the week because it was closer to the Crew, and if she was honest, she was worried for the trailer park. She had big plans to try and stop whatever would happen.
The door opened, and she smiled before she even looked up because she smelled his cologne.
Landon led the way to the bar, but she was shocked to find some familiar faces following him.
Lucas was looking around, probably memorizing every face in here, and Kru was waving to a couple of shifters from Damon’s Mountains playing darts.
Word had spread that she worked here, and over the past week she had seen more and more people she knew filtering in here.
She thought it would bother her because this had been her safe haven, but now that word had spread that she had her grizzly back, people weren’t looking at her with pity and whispering to each other around her. They were congratulating her.
Mom was right. People in Damon’s Mountains truly did care.
“Hey, pretty lady,” Landon murmured as he leaned over the bar and kissed her.
She leaned up on her tiptoes to reach him. It was the most comfortable, familiar feeling being around him. It was like finding home in the middle of this busy bar.
“What are you doing here?” she asked Lucas.
“Boys’ night, apparently,” her Alpha answered as he took a stool between Kru and Landon.
“Where’s Gunner?”
It was Kru who answered. “Chhh, no one knows. I’ve called him eight times today trying to get him to come out.”
Lucia took a quick break from making the big drink order to pull her phone from her back pocket and text Gunner. Come to the bar. Boys’ night. I’m bartending. First beer is on me. Send.
“Thank you,” Lucas murmured, his eyes on her phone as she sent the message.
Lucia shrugged and got back to making her drink order. “We’ll see if it works. He hasn’t even been responding to me this week.” Not since their talk on the mountain. Her senses were definitely tingling about the most volatile member of the Warlanders, but she had no clue how to help him. He didn’t seem to want it. Couldn’t help a man who didn’t want to help himself.
She poured a trio of vodka shots and loaded up the tray with all seven drinks, then gestured to the server to come pick them up.
“What do you boys want to drink?”
They ordered beers, and Landon’s eyes stayed trained on her as she grabbed the beers from the mini-fridge under the counter and popped all three bottle caps. She shoved her bottle opener back into the right pocket of her black apron and handed the drinks out.
“New tattoo?” Kru asked, staring at the raven with its wings spread across the front of her bicep, still covered in protective plastic wrap. She didn’t usually wear short-sleeved shirts at work, but today she’d just felt like it.
Landon’s eyes softened on her. He knew what it meant. He’d gone with her to get it yesterday, and had made the entire day really special.
“It’s a tribute,” she admitted softly.
Kru took a long pull of his beer and told her, “It’s cool. It suits you.”
The compliment was unexpected, and she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “What do you want?”