Page 101 of Unwilling Wolf
“Well, I must be because I don’t even understand what she’s so mad about!” Burke exclaimed.
“You kissed me, and then you said I am a man,” Lenny said without turning around.
Eliza glared at him. “Now I’m gonna fight you.”
“What?” Burke said as he tracked her movement while she stood.
“Put your stupid fists up,” Eliza said, lifting her fists in front of her face like Uncle Frederick had taught her.
“Let me get this straight,” Garret said. “You’re going to fist-fight a werewolf because Lenny is having some womanly emotional constipation over something stupid that Burke said? He says stupid stuff all the time!”
“Yeah!” Burke backed him up.
“Because he’s stupid—”
“Wait, what?” Burke cut in.
Garret gestured to Burke. “Lenny, you’re the one who let him kiss you. He’s the same way he’s always been. Let the man have peace tonight.”
“No peace for you!” Eliza cried as she charged him.
Burke ducked much too easily from where Eliza fell onto him, and she fell hard on the ground.
“What the hell are you doing?” Garret yelled. Eliza thought he was yelling at her, so she prepared the curses Roy had taught her, but when she looked at the direction of Garret’s anger, he was glaring at Burke.
“Not getting punched? She’ll hurt her fist on my face!”
Eliza kicked at him and he caught her ankle, again too easily. Gads, werewolves were incredibly annoying.
“My woman’s in the dirt because of you,” Garret snarled, and he launched at Burke.
“Shit. No!” Burke yelped as Garret dragged him upward. He was right in his face.
“This whole thing started because of you. Fix it!”
“You tell him, honey…nuggets,” Eliza said, egging them on.
Garret tossed her a grossed-out look. “What?”
“Sugar bee?”
“No pet names.”
Lenny was now laughing with her arms around her middle. Garret released Burke’s shirt and shoved him backward. “I can’t be fighting you right now, Burke.”
“Well, I didn’t start it!” Burke defended himself.
Eliza pointed to Lenny. “Tell her she’s pretty and that you’re sorry.”
Burke tossed a pissed-off look at Garret and said, “I’m never driving cattle with women again.”
Garret was pursing his lips, and if Eliza had to guess, he was fighting a smile. He gestured to Lenny. “Well, do it. If you’re gonna fuck around and kiss her, you have to be nice to her, because that’s apparently what we’re supposed to do.”
Burke shook his head and muttered something about, “Bullshit,” under his breath, then looked at Lenny and exhaled. “I’m sorry you’re so sensitive—”
“Do better,” Eliza told him as she walked back to her spot near Lenny.