Page 125 of Unwilling Wolf
He’d said it.
He’d really said it.
He loved her.
And those were the words she went out on.
Chapter Forty
Eliza’s lifeless form was tucked neatly into Garret’s bed.
Garret hadn’t left her for even a moment since he’d seen Wyatt pull that damn trigger on her.
“You could Turn her, you know,” Lenny said softly from the open doorway.
Garret inhaled deeply and lifted his exhausted gaze to her. “She’s going to be okay without a wolf.”
“What is it, Garret?” Lenny asked. “Why won’t you. Anyone with eyes can see she’s your mate. Anyone with eyes can see you love her.”
“Because she can’t ask me for the wolf. She can’t make the choice.”
“We both know what she would choose.”
Garret shook his head. “You don’t understand the history.”
“Make me understand.”
“Roy didn’t want the bite, and look what I’ve done to him. He doesn’t even remember his name. Burke told me how he is. He probably told you too. I did that to him. He asked me not to, and I did that to him.”
“She wouldn’t ask you not to. She’s not Roy.”
Garret stared at her still form. She’d gone pale, but she still had color in her lips and cheeks. She was still breathing steady. He knew because his entire existence revolved around two sounds right now—her heartbeat, and her breath.
“You’re still scared of her,” Lenny murmured.
“I killed six wolves the other night, Lenny. Everyone should be scared of how I am around her.”
Lenny made a clicking sound behind her teeth. “We’re all glad you took out six of their wolves. Gave us all a fighting chance. I personally love the way you love her.” She lifted her chin higher into the air. “Keeps us all safe. Do you know the mark of a good Alpha?”
Garret shook his head.
“A good Alpha doesn’t push his Pack into starting a war.” She angled her face and leveled him with a look. “He gives them the strength to finish one, though.” She pushed off the doorframe and pointed to Eliza. “She’s Pack whether you Turn her or not. And to us, she’s wolf whether you give her one or not.”
Lenny left and Garret sighed, then scrubbed his hands down his face. It was as if Lenny didn’t think he’d considered Turning her. Of course he had! Of course he had. She filled his mind completely. She called to him. Hell, his wolf had been scrabbling for two days to Turn her.
He couldn’t get the look of betrayal on Roy’s face out of his mind.
If he Turned Eliza, she might be just like Roy. She might not remember anything. She might not remember her sisterhood with Lenny, or her jokes with Burke, or her…or her…
She might not remember Garret.
He was stuck between selfish and selfless, and it felt as if there was no right answer.
He was damned if he did, and damned if he didn’t.