Page 147 of Unwilling Wolf
But Eliza and Garret?
She slid her hand into the crook of his arm and tilted her chin up as he leaned into her and pressed his lips to hers.
They were figuring it out.
Sure, she’d had help along the way.
The rest of Garret’s Pack, who had gone to war to keep her safe.
She and Garret had ended up somewhere she could’ve only dreamed, and now they were almost home.
She smiled into his kiss and eased back, searched his eyes.
This trip had turned out to be so special, because he had really come for her. He had left his Pack to make sure she was okay. To support her during an overwhelming time.
She’d never witnessed a healthy marriage before, but she was pretty sure she and Garret were onto something.
Chapter Fifty-One
The mules picked up the pace on the final straightaway to the Lazy S, and Eliza understood. She was eager to see home again too.
They’d been boarded at the stable in town. Garret had been in a rush to get them and load their luggage, but he had insisted she try on a dress he had ordered for her at the dressmaker’s. It was cream, with lace on the sleeves. It fit her figure perfectly. She’d tried to argue that she would get this dress too dirty, but he had insisted on paying for it before they headed home. He wanted to get back to the Lazy S before sunset, and she understood. Being out after dark here had caused so many problems.
She had her arm linked in his, and saw this place with new eyes.
It wasn’t somewhere she was trapped in. This was home. Her home.
She memorized every bend in the road, every yellow-flower shrug, and committed the song of the cicadas to memory.
The sun was sitting low in the western sky, and was starting to paint the horizon in orange, and yellow, and pink.
“I’ve never seen a better welcome home,” she uttered on a breath as Garret slapped the reins on the mules’ flanks.
The wagon lurched forward as they picked up to a gallop.
Something moved on the road ahead, and she frowned and squinted her eyes, trying to better see.
There was someone on the road.
Someone running.
“Garret,” she said on a breath as she realized who it was.
Lenny was wearing the pretty dress she’d worn at the dance those weeks ago, and she was running straight for them with the brightest smile Eliza had ever seen.
Her emotions thickened the words in her throat. “I need off.”
Garret slowed enough that she could hop down, and she bolted the last ten yards and crashed into Lenny’s arms.
Her friend was crying, and gads, it was so good to see her. To hug her!
“Oh, Lenny! You look beautiful!” she exclaimed.