Page 39 of Emmett
He didn’t finish his question.
Amber unleashed a burst of magic with a tortured scream, surprising both her captor and herself. Her eyes met mine, and in that moment, I saw not just my fierce, brave mate, but an ancient power reborn.
She was life and creation incarnate, the embodiment of the wild magic we guardians were sworn to protect.
In the face of that raw energy, the pyro's dark fire seemed a pale, shabby imitation. The pyromancer staggered back, momentarily stunned by her unexpected display of power. My heart stalled as Amber collapsed in a heap.
Please, just let her be unconscious.
I flew toward the pyromancer as he recovered and moved to secure Amber as his shield. My snout pulled back in a snarl. I plowed into him, sending him flying through the air, barely aware of Leif joining me as I tore him apart.
You think you can harm my woman? My mate? Not. Fucking. Happening.
The words were on repeat in my head as I tore, clawed, and bit, eliminating the threat to my family and my mate, the woman I loved.I barely remember the savage frenzy that followed, Leif and I shredding the remaining pyros in a haze of blood and smoke.
All I could think was Amber, Amber, Amber.
Let her be alive. Please, let her be alive.
Turning, I raced back to my mate, seamlessly shifting to my human form and dropping to my knees at her side. She was pale. So fucking pale.
Then I was on my knees beside her in human form, pulling her into my arms with shaking hands. I pressed my face into her hair, breathing in her scent, praying to feel the warmth of her breath against my skin.
“Amber!” I choked out, my voice breaking. “Talk to me!”
A small eternity passed. Then, a miracle. Her eyelids fluttered and parted. Dazed eyes found mine. “Emmett!”
A sob hitched in my throat as I crushed her to my chest. She was here. She was alive.
My head whipped around at Leif’s shout. “Axel?”
I took in the gruesome wound marring his side, the flesh blackened and raw. The sickening scent of it hit me like a punch to the gut. But even as I watched, the wound began to knit, the corrupted tissue sloughing away to reveal new pink skin beneath.
“Already healing,” Leif confirmed, his relief evident.
Thank God. Dark magic was always an unknown. It could slow down or prevent our enhanced healing.
Looked as if Axel had gotten lucky. This time. My little brother had defended my mate, and I would be forever grateful.
Amber stirred, snapping my attention back to her. “Amber?
Her eyelids flickered, then opened, revealing the emerald depths I loved so fucking much. “Emmett?”
I pulled her onto my lap, smoothing her tangled hair from her face. “I’m here. I’ve got you. You’re safe.”
She gave me a dopey smile. “Did we beat the bad guys?”
I chuckled, relief pouring through me. “We did, Wildflower. We did.”
“Are you okay?” she asked, her voice slurred as she fought for consciousness. Her body was drained.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. It’s you I’m worried about. You were fucking incredible. How the hell did you do that?”
She blinked sleepily. “Dunno. I saw you and Leif fighting and saw that pyromancer injure Axel. Then he grabbed me, and it was like something took over.” She yawned, and her eyes drifted closed before popping open again. “Axel? Leif?”
“Are both fine. Axel is already healing.”