Page 7 of Emmett
I grinned, my chest swelling at his praise. I'd been working hard to step up as the de facto leader of the family's younger generation. It was a big responsibility, but I was ready. I wouldn't fail my father or our lineage.
I let their theories wash over me. None sparked any inspiration about where to start our investigation. I'd have to go off intuition and evidence once our patrols got rolling.
Their voices blended into a comforting hum as I wolfed down the hearty elk sausage and bread on my plate. My mind kept drifting back to the assistant fire chief.
Amber was unlike any woman I'd ever encountered. Tough, stubborn, fiercely determined. But underneath that hard exterior, I'd glimpsed a vulnerability that called to my protective instincts.
I couldn't explain it, but her energy resonated with me on some deep level I didn't fully understand yet. And her scent was like cinnamon and wood smoke, utterly intoxicating.
And then she’d surprised me with her call, accepting my offer of a drink after turning me down earlier. Why had she changed her mind?
She’d said she wanted to discuss safety protocols, but I wasn’t buying it after she’d let slip about an arson investigation earlier, mirroring my suspicions about the fires not being accidental.
Something told me she had an agenda, but I wasn’t about to let that deter me from enjoying a drink with an intriguingly beautiful woman. Maybe we could help each other?
“Emmett!” My mother's voice broke through my daydream. “You've barely touched your food, dear. And I know the boysenberry pie is your favorite.”
I glanced at my plate, the flaky golden crust of the pie still untouched. My mother's baking usually had me going back for seconds, but I was preoccupied this evening.
“Oh, uh, sorry, Mom,” I said, flashing her a grin. “Distracted thinking about stuff.”
“Thinking about work again, no doubt,” my father said.
I started to nod, then hesitated. There was no harm in a small confession. “I met the new assistant fire chief today. She seems–”
A chorus of “Ooohs” rose around the table as my female relatives exchanged knowing looks and playful speculation about my romantic prospects.
There were no secrets among us Guardians, not with our heightened senses and intuitions.
Ryder shot me a knowing smirk. “Heard about the redhead you abandoned the race for. Lucky for you because you know I would’ve whipped your ass.”
“In your dreams, Thornbrook. You were eating my fumes,” I scoffed. “As for Amber, I only met her a few hours ago,” I added, avoiding my mother's shrewd gaze. “She’s pretty new in town, and I'm meeting her at The Honey Den later to discuss fire safety protocols.”
My excuse sounded weak even to me, but the table erupted in excited whispers about potential mates and romance. I groaned, rising quickly and grabbing my jacket off the back of my chair.
“Come on, leave him be,” my father rumbled affectionately.
As I turned to go, Aunt Thea caught my arm. “My boy, if you've caught a scent that calls to you, there may be more to explore,” she said solemnly, fixing me with her piercing gaze. “Your paths crossed today for a reason. Your fates are converging, though the purpose is not yet clear. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by.”
I met my aunt’s golden eyes, reading the sincerity there. Did she know something about Amber I didn't? I wanted to ask more, but my nosy relatives were listening eagerly, so I held my tongue for now.
Their teasing laughter warmed me as I donned my jacket, thoughts leaping ahead to my meeting with Amber.
“Big bro’s got a hot date.” Leif smirked. “Keep that inner beast on a leash.”
I shook my head and tossed a roll at him good-naturedly. “Not a date, asshole.”
Leave it to my family to notice every spark of romantic interest. It was impossible to play things subtle and mysterious as a Guardian.
“Do nothing I wouldn't do!” Axel called with a sly wink.
“Well, that doesn’t leave me a whole lot.” I chuckled as I left amid a chorus of cheers and laughter.
I waved them off with feigned annoyance, but secretly, I didn't mind their teasing. Something about Amber felt special.
Chapter 4