Page 22 of Plain Jade
Glancing over at Jade, he saw her curled up against him. Her hair was fanned out behind her, her palm lay flat on the bed. She looked so calm and peaceful. He didn’t want to destroy her peace.
This was his chance to leave.
Moving the blankets off his body, he climbed out of the bed without making a sound. He went to the bathroom, took a leak, washed his hands, and found a spare toothbrush. Again, he was wasting precious time. He needed to leave. Having attachments was never good. It made people weak, especially people like him.
Checking the time, he saw it was fifteen minutes past six. He had already stayed too long.
Picking up his pants and top, he pulled them on, and then made his way to the kitchen. He stopped. Coffee. That would be something for her to wake up to. She needed it. He wasn’t going to leave a note.
With the coffeepot set up, he was about to leave the kitchen, but then he thought about her eating breakfast. He hadn’t fed her last night. They had fucked, and now he didn’t like the thought of her waking up starving, and not having a good breakfast.
He went to her fridge, had a quick rummage inside, and found what he was looking for: bacon and eggs. The breakfast of champions—at least it would be. He would get everything set up for her and then leave. Braxton found a frying pan, and before long he was making bacon and eggs, the scent of them making his own mouth water.
You’re doing everything fucking wrong.
You should leave and not come back.
It was morning. He never stuck around to see anyone in the morning.
“You’re making breakfast.”
His chance to leave was gone.
He turned to see Jade smiling at him. She looked a little sleepy. There were some darker patches of hair around her face, letting him know she had already been to the bathroom, and splashed her face with water.
“Sit,” he said.
“You know you don’t have to do that.”
As if to betray her, her stomach began to growl. She let out a moan.
“Shut up complaining.”
“Has anyone ever told you, you’re rude?”
She pulled out her chair and took a seat at the table.
He left the bacon and eggs to pour her a mug of coffee. “Cream, sugar?”
“A little milk, that’s all I need,” she said.
He poured her a drink and handed it to her.
The breakfast was ready, so he put it in front of her. He also put the bread and butter on the table. Braxton had cooked enough for himself as well. Going against his own promises, he joined her, sitting opposite.
Jade’s hair fell around her in waves, and he also noted she had put her glasses on today. He figured she wore contacts when she went to work. She looked so sexy.
When he left her in bed, she’d been naked. Now she had on an old, faded shirt and a pair of pajamas.
“I expected you to be gone,” she said.
“I had every intention of leaving.” There was no point in lying.
“Oh,” she said.
“Enjoy your breakfast.”