Page 117 of Raise Hell
Someone who pays less attention might have missed the way one of his eyes twitches.
“You need a hand-lettered invitation?” he asks drolly. “I’m just telling you. No need to sneak in this time.”
I wonder if he won’t just come out and say he wants me to come to the party so he won’t feel as responsible for whatever happens there.
Drake has had plenty of chances to hurt me, and he hasn’t done it. When I first came here, I convinced myself that it had to be him who had hurt my sister.
Now, I know he saved her.
Whatever it is he feels like he has to do, it isn’t because it’s what he wants.
Both of us are here to do what we have to do.
“Thanks for letting me know.”
He clears his throat. “Let me walk you back to the dorm.”
“I think I might stay here for a bit longer. Thanks, though.”
He takes a step forward and slips my jacket over my shoulders. The words spray-painted on the back seem childish now.
Raise Hell.
I thought I would burn through this place like a cleansing fire. But I couldn’t even make it through one guy.
I might even love him, even if I would never admit it out loud.
Even if he humiliates me.
When I look at him, I see a similar struggle to my own in his gaze. He hesitates for a flashing second before pressing a hard kiss to my lips, so quick I don’t have time to respond before he pulls away.
Drake strides to the door. I stare at his back as he shoves open the doors, fighting with myself so I don’t call him back and tell him the entire truth.
The doors slam shut behind him.
The words whisper through my mind, because I can’t say them out loud.
I’m not Olivia Pratt.
My shoulders hunch as I shove my hands in my pockets.
It’s only then that I realize my rosary is gone.