Page 47 of Raise Hell
Vaughn’s gaze moves over Felicia, but he doesn’t say anything.
He knows better than to say anything.
I allow him a lot of leeway to give me shit, but some things are completely off limits.
Felicia is one of them.
Cheers go up from the gathered crowd, which has to mean Olivia finished her last shot without falling off the table. I see money changing hands, but I can’t tell who won the final bet.
At least someone is walking away from this situation happy.
Olivia gets down off the table without taking any of the offered hands for help. She manages to still look regal, even as her foot snags on the chair as she gets down, and she has to catch the table to keep herself from falling.
“Stop thinking with your dick,” Vaughn says harshly as she stumbles toward us. “Get her out of here, or I’m taking over.”
He walks away just as Olivia comes to a stop in front of me.
“I thought you were taking Felicia home,” she snaps, voice just the tiniest bit slurred. “What is she still doing here?”
Knowing that I stayed longer than I should have because I wanted to make sure Nolan’s challenge didn’t get out of hand makes me even angrier. My little sister is about to pass out, and I let myself get distracted by the mess Olivia has made.
I tell myself I only did it because Olivia seemed protective of my sister when she pulled her off the table.
Then I remember that Felicia wouldn’t have been here in the first place if Olivia hadn’t goaded her into it and I’m furious all over again.
“Both of you are leaving. Now. You don’t belong here.”
Olivia stops short, despite the fact she had clearly been heading for the door before I said anything. “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”
I’ve officially run out of patience. “Maybe not, but I can get a few pledges to pick you up and toss you out the front door. It’s your choice.”
Jostling Felicia awake enough that she can move her legs, I half-carry and half-lead her to the door. I don’t bother to look back to see if Olivia is following, because I’m certain she is.
She and I both know that my threat isn’t an idle one. It would give me great pleasure to watch her get carried out of Havoc House, kicking and screaming.
“You’re an asshole,” she bites out once were outside.
“You have no idea. And if I catch you sneaking around Havoc House, something worse will happen than just having to take a few shots.”
“Make all the threats you want, Drake. You don’t scare me.”
But I can’t help but notice the slight quaver in her voice that gives a lie to the words. She might wish she wasn’t scared of me, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t.
And just because I haven’t decided how far I’m willing to go, doesn’t mean I won’t hurt her.
We don’t speak again until we get to Felicia’s dorm building. Olivia holds open the door.
I already know they don’t live in the same building, so I’m surprised when she follows me into the elevator. “Where are you going?”
“Your sister can’t sleep in that dress. It’ll cut off her circulation.” The eyebrow she raises is full of challenge. “I assumed you wouldn’t want to be the one to take her clothes off, but maybe sibling relationships are different where you come from.”
Felicia is between us, which is all that stops me from slamming Olivia’s head into the metal wall of the elevator.
This girl gets under my skin more than anyone else has in my life. Every time she opens her mouth, my blood starts to boil.
Eventually, I’m going to have to relieve this pressure before I explode.
Still seething, I stalk off the elevator when the door opens. My sister’s room is at the far end of the hall and the only single on this floor. I’d chosen it because I didn’t want her to end up rooming with one of the cattier girls on campus.