Page 18 of Have Mercy
I’d love to see the look on her face if I replied that Olivia has been holed up in Connecticut for the past nine months.
“How should I know?”
“Seriously?” She glares at me. If this was a cartoon, there’d probably be literal smoke coming out of her ears. “I thought you guys were supposed to be together.”
“After what happened at the last Havoc party?” I scoff, hoping that the disdain in my voice sounds convincing. “Typically, I try not to slut shame. But a guy has to have some standards. There really isn’t any salvaging a relationship after something like that.”
Anya just stares at me. “I can’t believe that I ever had a crush on you.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault that everything lives forever on the Internet. You girls need to think about that when someone pulls out a phone and starts recording.”
“You Havoc assholes really are all the same, aren’t you?” She just shakes her head, the disgust in her tone obvious. “Better hope karma isn’t real.”
She knows as well as I do that Havoc House has too much power around here for her opinion to mean much of anything, but I have to respect the effort she’s making. There will always be girls throwing themselves at us and guys willing to be humiliated if it means getting the chance to pledge.
I give her a bored look. “I’m sure I won’t be seeing you at our next party.”
Anya doesn’t stop glaring at me, but I can sense her frustration. Whether or not she hates us, there is no denying that Havoc House is the epicenter of social life at St. Bart’s.
She finally looks away and bites her lip. “Look, I know you don’t have a reason to care, but I’m really worried about Olivia. She left our room last night, and she hasn’t come back.”
I start walking, hoping she’ll take the hint and not follow me. “So?”
She follows me down the hill, taking two strides for every one of mine. “You don’t think that’s a concerning thing to do after what happened? Olivia was humiliated. Again. I’m worried that she might have done something drastic.”
“If she hung herself from the rafters, I’m sure we would have heard about it by now. Maybe she just went home early. Considering the circumstances, she was probably in a hurry to get away from here.”
“Except she didn’t take any of her stuff with her,” Anya snaps. “Her clothes, her computer, everything is still in the room. She packed a bag like she was leaving, but then didn’t take it with her. You don’t think that’s suspicious, at all?”
“Not really. If I was a chick and somebody played my sextape at a party, I might forget a few things while I’m getting the hell out of dodge.”
“But you’re not a chick.” Her voice is deadly calm. “And the same rules don’t apply to you, right?”
I don’t know where she got the idea that I’d be playing the nice guy in all this. Showing that video wasn’t my idea, but it would be completely out of character for me to act beaten up about it.
It doesn’t matter that I wish it had never happened. Havoc Boys are always a united front. Cole and Nolan won’t be showing any remorse, so neither can I.
“Look, I’ve got a ton of shit to do. Enjoy your break.”
“I’m not letting this go, Drake.”
“You’ve been all over that girl since the semester started. Maybe Olivia just wanted a break from you crawling up her ass all the time.”
Her mouth falls open. “Did Olivia tell you that?”
The less I say, the better. Let Anya focus on the idea that her roommate might have been talking about her behind her back and spin it out to draw her own conclusions. Girls around here have always had a tendency to think the worst of each other. “Unlike some people at this school, I don’t spend my time getting into other people’s business when I don’t belong there.”
She takes a breath that now sounds more annoyed than concerned. “You really think nothing strange is going on?”
“Olivia had as good a reason as anyone to want to get out of here as quickly as possible. She probably left when you weren’t paying attention so that you wouldn’t try to stop her.” I give a careless shrug like it doesn’t matter to me if a girl that just got humiliated by Havoc House disappeared in the middle of the night. The fact that Anya seems willing to believe it just makes me feel like an even bigger asshole. “I’m sure a moving service will turn up to get her stuff in a couple of days. That’s what happened last year.”
Her voice stops me as I turn away, the words spoken with chilling emphasis. “I think I’m going to call the police.”
Fuck. As little respect as I have for Drumville’s finest, the last thing I want is Anya sticking her nose in where it doesn’t belong.
“Don’t be such a drama queen, Anya. Olivia is an adult. The cops won’t even investigate a case until the missing person has been gone seventy-two hours. You’d just be wasting your time.”
Technically, that isn’t true. If you call the cops with evidence that someone has disappeared under suspicious circumstances, they won’t wait to investigate it.