Page 25 of Have Mercy
“Just get out,” I shout.
The door opens, and the nurse pokes her head inside the room. “Everything okay in here?”
Drake turns to her with his signature winning smile. His voice turns silky. “No problem at all. She’s just happy to see me.”
The nurse smiles reflexively in response, just like pretty much every other woman on earth would when confronted by a demon with the face of an angel.
“Just checking in.” She glances at me and seems satisfied before backing away. “Don’t forget to finish that paperwork.”
Before I can tell her to throw him out, the door is already closed.
Drake picks up the clipboard and flips through the papers on it. “Can’t figure out what name you should put down, right? Paying the hospital bill is probably going to a be a problem, too. I’m sure Olivia’s credit cards got deactivated weeks ago. I can help with that.”
He unhooks the pen and starts writing.
I don’t understand. “What are you doing?”
“Helping you, obviously.”
My anger fades a little, some of it morphing into curiosity. “Whose name are you putting down?”
“Felicia’s. When the bill comes, I’ll just make up some story about how she got hurt.”
“And your father will pay it?”
Drake shrugs. “He sets money aside to take care of my mother and sister. It’s the only reason he’s still able to control of me.”
The bitterness in his tone is impossible to miss. Tilting my head to the side, I let myself take a nice, long look at him. If only he would keep acting like the selfish asshole, this would be a whole lot easier.
But at the moment, my only other option is insurance fraud.
“You have five minutes. Start talking.”
He seems taken aback by my sudden acquiescence. “Okay.”
Then he doesn’t say anything else.
I raise one eyebrow. “Are you waiting for a written invitation?”
Drake exhales in a hard rush of air. “This is harder than I thought it would be.”
My gaze moves to the large clock on the wall. “Now you have four and a half minutes.”
“God, you can be a stone-cold bitch.”
“You love it,” I reply sarcastically.
“Ain’t that the fucking truth,” he murmurs, barely loud enough for me to hear.
I swear this guy is trying to give me emotional whiplash. A tingle of sensation starts up in my chest that I force myself to ignore. Nothing that happened between us was real.
I need to remember that when my traitorous heart tries to trick me.
“Just spit it out, Van Koch. I have places to be.”