Page 76 of Have Mercy
“Is there something else you wanted?” I ask, shifting from one foot to the other. I have no idea why I’m suddenly feeling so nervous around him. A strangeness shimmers in the air between us. It feels like I’m minutes from watching a dream turn into a nightmare.
It can’t have anything to do with him admitting that he loves me, because I’ve decided to pretend that never happened.
Instead of answering, his hand drifts over the curve of my cheek without quite touching. “I always seem to forget how pretty you are. Every time I see you, it hits me like a punch in the gut, like it’s a surprise that I’m never ready for.”
My heart wants to melt, but I don’t trust the wariness in his eyes. He didn’t say it like our mutual attraction makes him happy. “Um…thanks.”
Silence descends, the type of enduring quiet that is more alarming than comforting. This silence is oppressive, like a weight against my skin or a balloon being overblown until it inevitably pops.
“I have to tell you something,” Drake says, finally. “And I don’t know how you’re going to react.”
“The only way to find out is to tell me, so I guess you’re out of options.”
He huffs out a sardonic laugh. “There she is.”
My mind is already whirling with ridiculous assumptions. The more pathetic part of me has itself convinced that he regrets his admission of love, or plans to tell me that he never meant it in the first place and this was all just another trick. There is no hint of cruelty in his expression, but I can’t stop myself from assuming the worst-case scenario.
I cross my arms over my chest, innately moving to shield myself. “Might as well just spit it out.”
Drake opens his mouth, but hesitates again. Some unknowable emotion crosses his face as he seems to come to a decision. I brace myself, ready for him to tell me that he regrets ever knowing me and I’m officially on my own.
When he finally does speak, I wish he hadn’t. But not for the reasons that I assumed.
“Olivia was pregnant.”
* * *
A crowd of Havoc Boys could have been waiting for me outside, and I wouldn’t have noticed them as I race back to the dorm. All my awareness is focused exclusively on proving that Drake is wrong.
Proving that this situation didn’t suddenly get a hundred times worse.
I’m already running for the door when Drake shouts at me to wait.
I would have noticed it. I have her records and it would have been in there.
Outside is blur around me as I run. I don’t bother with the elevator, instead taking the stairs two at a time until I get to my floor. I’m gasping for breath by the time I reach the door of the apartment, but I won’t let myself stop unless I pass out.
The pounding of footsteps behind me is the only sign that Drake is following me. I don’t turn back to look at him and he doesn’t say another word.
He knows better than to say anything at this point.
I have to see it for myself.
The papers are hidden in a shoebox at the back of my closet. I doubt Anya would ever let her curiosity lead to that level of snooping. Even if she found the paperwork, it’s not a crime to have copies of your own medical records.
I flip through the dozens of pages, forcing myself to go slowly enough that I can actually read the words in front of me.
“There isn’t anything in here about a pregnancy test.”
“Maybe they didn’t call it that,” Drake responds quietly as he closes my bedroom door behind him. He goes to the window and glances outside like he worries someone followed us.
I grit my teeth on a sharp retort. “This is in English. Is there another word for pregnancy that I should be looking for?”
Drake sinks down on his knees beside me and holds out his hand. “May I?”
My fingers squeeze hard on the pages, wrinkling them. I don’t want to hand them over because I don’t want him to find anything.
I don’t actually want to know the truth.