Page 90 of Have Mercy
Unfortunately, Brady is the one who ends up breaking the stalemate.
“I think it’s a good idea, but Van Koch can feel free to sit out if he wants,” he says as he presses the ice pack that Nolan hands him to his temple. “Take the pledges, really make them squirm. All the pledges.”
I don’t need to ask to know precisely which pledge he is most interested in seeing squirm.
* * *
I check my phone for the hundredth time, waiting for a confirmation text from Felicia that she got on her flight back to St. Bart’s. With the time difference, it’s been hard for us to connect, but I’ve heard from her even more infrequently than I normally do.
Felicia hadn’t known that I’d planned for her to go home to visit Mama for break until I’d presented her with the ticket. The original plan had been for her to stay on campus until the summer because my father’s magnanimity only stretches so far, but I’d paid for the ticket out of my own funds.
I could tell she wanted to argue about leaving, but kept her mouth shut when I mentioned that the ticket was a nonrefundable one.
It had been nice to have her safely out of the way while I deal with all of this shit. But with classes starting soon, I can’t exactly keep her away.
I’d already confirmed that the town car I ordered would pick her up at the airport in the morning, but I wanted to make sure she knew about it. I assure myself that she is probably just busy visiting our relatives and getting ready to come back.
Every situation can’t be a crisis, I remind myself.
It doesn’t help that I also haven’t heard from Vaughn, despite the fact that I’ve called him few times and sent a handful of messages. All I’ve gotten in response is radio silence. Maybe he’s laid up in bed at his childhood home being doted on by his mother and hasn’t checked his phone in a while, but I can’t help but wonder if something else is going on.
Someone bangs on the door of my bedroom, startling me.
“It’s open.”
Nolan walks in and lets the door slam shut behind him. “Why are you hiding up here like a hermit?”
“I’m not,” I snap.
“Oh, really? You’ve been moping around here for the entire break. It’s barely past dinnertime and you’re lying in bed. Why aren’t you getting ready for tonight?”
I lever myself up. “I can’t take a nap down without catching shit?”
“If you want to act like you’re about to graduate into a nursing home, then be my guest. Something is definitely going on with you, but you don’t have to tell me anything.” Nolan’s brow furrows as he looks me over. “You’re not depressed or something, are you?”
I roll my eyes. “No.”
“Because if you’re going to kill yourself, all I ask is that you try not to make a mess. It’s going to be hard for the rest of us to get laid if you splatter blood all over the walls.”
My phone buzzes on the bedspread, the screen lighting up with a message. Nolan’s gaze moves to it, but I pick it up and slide it into my pocket before he can see anything. “I’m fine, thanks. Did you just come in here to give me a pep talk?”
“I came to get you excited for the club, man. I’m supposed to be corralling the pledges for tonight.” He holds up a French maid costume and waves it in the air. “You can be the one to tell them what they’ll be wearing.”
“That place is gross.”
“That’s what makes it fun. Who wants to get a lap dance from a stripper that seems clean? The dirtier the better, man.” His gaze moves around the room, taking in the few details like he is trying to memorize them. “Or you can stay here in this sterile little room and mope.”
“Doesn’t sound like I have a choice.”
The pledges are already lined up downstairs, Evangeline included. Her gaze flies to me before she quickly looks away, the color high in her cheeks.
Nolan slaps me on the shoulder. “Give him hell, Prez.”
It’s easy to fall in the familiar biting tone that I’ve always used when dressing down pledges. I have to keep my gaze focused on the air over their heads so I don’t risk looking at Evangeline. If our eyes meet, I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep the reaction off my face.
“Every moment you spend out there represents Havoc House. Tonight, you’re going to get a small taste of the power we have. Of course, you’re not really one of us yet so we’ll have to make sure that it’s obvious.” Right on cue, Nolan passes me a maid outfit and I hold it up for all of them to see. The skirt of it is short enough that the most of the guys will be flashing more than hairy thighs if they don’t wear something under it. “Tonight, this is the uniform for all Havoc House pledge. Understood?”
Evangeline pipes up immediately, but directs her words at Nolan. “There is no way in fuck that I am wearing that.”