Page 12 of Unbreakable Bond
“I’m not living in a fairytale like you. I’m in the real world, where I can’t see my lady when I feel like it. If we can’t, what the fuck are we doing together, Solana?”
Rolling my eyes, I hopped down and gathered myself while Quest pondered our conversation. Sex had Quest caught up in his feelings. So much so that the idea of telling everybody about us seemed simple. I wasn’t the only one living a fantasy. He just didn’t realize it.
As I headed for the door, he caught my arm in stride, but I yanked away and stormed out. There wasn’t anything left to discuss, and I was already running late to meet the girls. Storming down the hallway, I turned the corner and almost ran into Bella.
“Sorry,” I replied coldly. Seeing your man’s ex-girlfriend heading toward his office only infuriated me more.
“It’s cool. Are you coming from Quest’s office?” She asked, but I didn’t bother to reply. Saying yes would’ve heightened her suspicions, so I said nothing, walking to my car, even more irritated.
Most of the drive was spent replaying the night I met the real Quest—not the version I had heard bits and pieces about from my family.
I left the house after having another argument with my parents. They were trying to set me up on another date because how could I ever get married if I didn’t start dating? Now that everybody else was married or engaged, it left an imaginary target on my back.
The casino was the last place my family would come looking for me. My father had taught me how to gamble at an early age, but with all the bullshit his addiction caused, he wouldn’t dare set foot inside.
The chatter and clinking of chips served as a welcomed distraction from the turmoil of my family situation. I took a deep breath and focused on the cards before me. With each hand dealt, I found myself slipping further into the rhythm of the game.
“Solana Meraux.” The tone was rich and full-bodied, commanding my attention with its confident timbre. “This is the last place I’d expect to see you.”
Locking eyes with Quest, I fanned the smoke from the blunt between his fingers.
“My bad.” He quickly put it out before giving me his undivided attention. “I know damn well your people wouldn’t approve of their princess being in a place like this.”
Quest struck a nerve, sadly, because he was right, but I wasn’t about to admit it.
“Don’t you have somebody else to go bother?”
“Actually, I don’t, and I’m getting a kick out of bothering you.”
Quest sat in the empty seat beside me to drive his point home. Shifting my shoulders, I focused on the table, ignoring his eyes raking over my body. Besides, I had too much on my mind to be worried about Quest.
I dreamed of the day I could make my own decisions and live life on my terms. I tried talking to Gianni about it, but he straddled the fence, making me angrier, so I stopped discussing my feelings on the subject because there was no point.
“What are you over there thinking about?” Quest asked, finally breaking the silence between us.
“Nothing that I plan on sharing with you,” I snapped.
“Fair enough, but whatever it is ain’t worth the stress lines it’s putting on that pretty face. Do what makes you happy and fuck anything and anybody standing in your way,” Quest advised.
“Right now, that somebody is you. I was fine before you showed up.” Secretly, I was enjoying his company, and he was easy on the eyes. It also didn’t help that Quest hit the nail on the head without me uttering a word.
It was like he could see me, the real me—the woman I wanted to be instead of the version created by my family.
Quest chuckled and faced me, holding the silence between us before he spoke again. “You don’t even mean that. You just need somebody to take your anger out on, but until you stop giving a fuck what people think, you’re gonna continue to feel how you feel.”
“That’s enough unsolicited advice for one night.”
“Easy killa, I just think your cute ass shouldn’t be in a place like this, at least not on a Friday night and with a damn frown on your face. Where your nigga at?”
“He’s out handling business,” I lied.
Quest narrowed his gaze and smirked. “You don’t have to bullshit me, Solana.”
“Where’s your girl while you’re in my business?” I asked, shifting toward him with my hand on my hip.
“Don’t have one. I’m just as single as you are.”
A chuckle bellowed from my chest. “What makes you think that?”