Page 71 of Unbreakable Bond
Bella’s eyes shot to Morgan, looking for an explanation for my mood. He hunched his shoulders and went back to scrolling on his phone.
“I guess that’s Solana’s job now, huh?”
Just that quickly, Morgan was tuned back in. His eyes were racing between Bella and me, awaiting my response. I had nothing to hide, but I wasn’t about to throw Solana to the wolves, trying to make Bella regret her question.
“I need you to look at this footage and see if you recognize anyone.”
With a renewed humiliation, Bella dipped her fries before stuffing them in her mouth.
“My memory is feeling a little fuzzy.”
“Don’t start that shit.”
“It wasn’t that hard to figure out how she’s always tip-toeing out of your office. Does her people know about y’all?” Bella probed, realizing the only way to get a reaction from me was to come at Solana.
“I have shit to do. Look at that footage and hit one of us if anything stands out.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” she mumbled.
“Ain’t no see about it, or you’ll be back at your apartment before check out.”
“Do it and see how long your little secret stays a secret,” Bella taunted.
“I’ll let you have that because you’re in your feelings right now, but don’t ever think threatening me will get you what you want.”
She dropped her lashes quickly to shield her eyes from my icy glare. Bella had always been emotional. I didn’t know if she meant what she said, but I did.
Chapter Seventeen
Mack was so angry—still, days later. I deserved it, but it was hard to function. He would barely look at me most days. Cam was the only thing that made him smile. I felt like I was drowning most days, but life didn’t care. Drowning or not, I still had to force myself out of bed because Cam and I both had school.
Sitting up, Mack’s side of the bed was exactly how I left it when I closed my eyes last night. He wasn’t sleeping much these days. Hailo tried to convince me it was business, but I knew better. Mack wasn’t easily rattled. Only the things he held near and dear to his heart could get him out of character. Right now, it was me and all my baggage.
“Good morning, sunshine,” I sat on the edge of Cam’s bed, trying to wake her. She wasn’t a morning person, so it took a few nudges and complaints before she pried her eyes open.
“You didn’t sing to me,” Cam complained, causing me to chuckle.
“You’re a big girl now. You don’t need mommy’s bad voice singing nursery rhymes.”
The wrinkles on Cam’s forehead said she disagreed. There was something nostalgic and sweet about her wanting me to sing to her in the morning.
“I’ll sing, but I need you to get dressed afterward. Mom has class, too, and we can’t be late.”
Not to mention, I needed to stop for coffee because I hadn’t slept well. Mack and I didn’t fight often, and when we did, it never lasted this long. I tossed and turned all night, leaving me exhausted when my alarm went off.
“Deal!” Cam sang, extending her pinky.
I accepted and sang her favorite nursery rhyme, which put her in a great mood. Cam upheld her end of the deal and climbed out of bed after the last note, rushing into her pink bathroom to prepare for the day.
When I reached our bedroom, I paused in the doorway, watching Mack stand in the closet.
He caught me stuck and spoke first, “Good morning.”
“Morning,” I replied, urging my brain to make my feet move so I could begin my morning routine.
I tried to ignore his presence, but that was impossible. Mack wasn’t the kind of man you ignored. His aura wouldn’t allow you to. Working the bar, I overheard many conversations about him from other women. Most of it was true, and now I was caught up in Mack’s web.
When I left the bathroom, Cam was lying across the bed while Mack stood before the dresser.