Page 74 of Unbreakable Bond
“I’ve had the pleasure. While most would consider my son a gentle giant—and he is, there’s another side to Macklen. One you’re getting to know real well.”
“I don’t like this side of him,” I sulked, resting my head against my arm because I hadn’t slept much since our argument.
“I’m sure he feels the same about you keeping things from him.”
“I knew that was coming.”
“I’m not taking sides. Just pointing out facts.” He peered over his shoulder and enlisted my help when I didn't respond. “Do me a favor and grab that Italian seasoning for me.”
Following his direction, I hopped down and sifted through the spices cabinet until I located what he was looking for.
“I know, and you’re right. It just doesn’t feel good to hear it,” I admitted.
Mack asked for weeks what was going on with me. He didn't push or pry even when he knew I was lying. He was patient, waiting for me to choose him because that’s who Mack was. Who he had always been with me.
“I say this with love because it’s clear nobody else has told you this, but you have to stop blaming yourself for things you couldn’t control. Stop beating yourself up for things you had to learn on your own because nobody taught you. Forgive yourself for your mistakes when you didn’t know any better.”
His words felt like the song my heart had been waiting to hear. Logically, I knew those things, but hearing it from him felt genuine. He was schooling me on all the things my father hadn’t because I was his daughter in every way that mattered.
“You deserve to be happy, Sky, but just because you deserve it doesn’t mean someone will give it to you. You have to take it for yourself.”
I leaned over the counter, watching him taste his famous sauce and adjust the flavor while helping me solve my problems.
“You’re right.”
“Of course. That’s why you came over here,” Dad boasted.
“Right.” I managed to muster up a laugh despite my face being drenched in tears.
“Something else I’m right about. Macklen won’t care about where you’ve been, Skylar. If I know my son, there’s a good chance he’s already aware of what you’re hiding. When he loves, he loves hard and expects the same in return. Mack is angry because there’s nothing he’s not prepared to do or handle regarding you and Camdyn. He doesn’t feel like you trust him to do that, and for a man like him, it’s not too many things worse than that.”
“Of course, I trust him. I wouldn’t have moved my child into his house if I didn’t.”
“I know that. Mack knows it too, but he doesn’t feel it right now, especially when another man is involved.”
“It’s not like that with Marcus. If I could snap my fingers and magically erase him as Cam’s dad, I would, but life doesn’t work that way.”
“No, it doesn’t, but you have to trust your husband. He will be your husband one day, right? One day soon, I hope.”
“Yes, Dad.”
“Good then, a part of that is never allowing any man to cause problems in your house. Even if he is Camdyn’s father.”
“Why are relationships so hard?” I whimpered, resting my forehead against the granite countertop.
Everett chuckled and stroked my back again before moving back to the counter to prepare dinner.
“Love sounded like such a good idea when he whispered in your ear, huh?” Dad joked.
“That’s not what happened.”
“You and Mack will be fine. It’s just growing pains. We all have to go through it, and you’re not exempt.”
He sounded so sure of himself while I was still somewhere in the middle.
“You too?”
“How do you think I became so wise? We’ve had our share of growing pains, but we got through them together. We’re both better people now because of it.”