Page 98 of Unbreakable Bond
“Fuck!” Morgan yelled, hitting something within his reach as I hopped out of bed to search the apartment.
Everything was exactly how I had left it, with no sign of Quest.
“He left here with you last night. Where is he?”
“If I knew, do you think I’d be wasting time calling you?”
“Don’t yell at me! You lost him!” My free hand clenched my chest because yelling at Morgan used all my energy, and suddenly, it became harder to breathe.
“I didn’t lose shit.”
“Then. Where. Is. He?” I yelled, each word coming out like a sentence of its own.
“I don’t fuckin’ know.”
My body shuddered, listening to those words leave his mouth. Easing on the arm of the chair, I paused to catch my breath or at least try, but I had a terrible feeling.
“What happened last night?”
“We had some business to handle, and we handled it.”
“And now Quest is missing?”
My question made it real for Morgan. His big brother was God knows where, but I was barely holding on. I didn’t have the strength to keep him together, too. “When was the last time you saw him?”
“At the casino. I went to his office while he used the bathroom. He never showed up, but his car was still outside, so I searched everywhere but couldn’t find him.”
“Somebody had to take—.” It was as if Quest could hear me from wherever he was and snatched my breath. Saying it out loud would make it real, and the thought of losing Quest hurt too much to consider.
There was an uncomfortable pause because Morgan wasn’t our biggest fan. He made it painfully obvious every chance he got, so he asked, “Did that somebody have something to do with you?”
“You heard me!” Morgan yelled so loud that I had to pull the phone away for a second. “Those tears better be real fuckin’ concern. If I find out you’ve been playing me and my brother, I’ll burn this whole shit down. You and your people included.”
“Maybe it was you!”
“What the fuck did you say?”
“You heard me! Maybe it was you, and you’re calling me to cover your tracks. Playing the concerned brother when you did something to him!”
“That’s my brother! My fuckin’ blood!” Morgan was livid, so I could hear him beating his chest through the speaker, “You’re talking crazy! I suggest you check that shit.”
“Fuck you!” I yelled, hanging up on him.
For a brief moment, I thought Quest being missing would unify Morgan and me. After all, he was the only thing we had in common, but even this couldn’t bridge the gap between us. I jumped up and walked to the door, ensuring it was still locked.
I needed to get out of here in case whoever snatched Quest came here, too.
“Hey boo,” Hailo sang, answering my call but hearing her voice made me break down. “Sol, what’s wrong? Where are you? Did he do something to you?”
“Something is wrong, Lo. I can feel it,” I sobbed, wishing this was all a dream.
“What do you mean? Better yet, where are you?”
“At Quest’s apartment. We had plans, but he never came home.”
Hailo sighed in relief, “Babe, you know better than anyone how this works. Maybe he just got caught up.”