Page 21 of Hidden Away
“How are you doing?” she asked. “You’re having fun, right?”
And that right there was why Rae was going to keep the trouble at her villa and ending up with Brian for the night to herself. Domi was supposed to be having fun with Mitch. Yes, it was technically a bachelor/bachelorette party, but they’d all known why Mitch and Domi had chosen Hideaway Island. They hadn’t wanted to come here for their honeymoon, but they’d still wanted the excuse to come.
There was no way Rae was going to ruin it for them by being a distraction.
“I’m great. I love the resort. It’s gorgeous, and I can’t wait to have some fun at the Dungeon tonight.” As she said the words, her knees almost buckled as intense vibrations buzzed against her clit.
That bastard.
Walking in a straight line had never been such a monumental effort.
The vibrations were a steady hum against her clit, a constant torment as she moved through the restaurant, her smile pasted on her lips as she pretended she wasn’t being tormented by vibrating panties. Pretended she wasn’t playing secret sexy games with Brian in the middle of their friends. Pretended everything was normal and nothing out of the ordinary was going on.
“Oh, good. We’re having such a good time, too,” Domi said, squeezing Rae’s arm against hers and glancing over her shoulder at Mitch walking behind them. Thankfully, she wasn’t really paying attention to Rae; otherwise, she would have noticed how distracted Rae was. “Are you sure you’ll be okay at the Dungeon?”
“Totally.” One-word answers were the way to go, though she was starting to get more used to the buzzing hum of the vibrator. Her panties were getting very wet as she moved, and when she reached the table, she grabbed the first chair she reached and sat down, pressing her thighs together. She hoped the damn thing was waterproof because she was soaking the fabric of the panties.
Everyone sat down around her—Brian choosing the seat across from her.
Rae did her best not to glare at him.
Act normal.
But how did she normally act? She wasn’t really sure because she’d never had to think about it before. People didn’t notice how they normally acted because it was normal to them.
Glaring at him unprovoked probably wouldn’t be normal. Or would it? Their relationship had always been a bit tempestuous at best. She probably wouldn’t glare for no reason, though. She just wanted to talk herself into being able to because she wanted to glare at him really, really badly.
“Wow, everything looks good,” Brian said.
To all outward appearances, his focus was on the menu in front of him, but as he said the words, his hand was in his pocket, and the vibrations against Rae’s clit went from a steady hum to pulsing bursts. She barely managed to bite back her moan at the change.
Fucking hell.
She kicked him.
“Ow!” Beside Brian, Law scooted back and looked under the table, frowning as he tried to figure out who had just kicked him.
“Sorry! I was trying to stretch my leg.” Rae smiled weakly at Law. Whoops. Dammit. Missed. Trying to kick Brian again was definitely out of the question. She didn’t want to accidentally hit Law again, and it would also look really suspicious if she kicked someone “on accident” right after the first time.
“Everything okay?” Brian asked her with seemingly sincere concern, other than the mischief dancing in his eyes, which made her want to kick him even more.
“Leg cramp,” she said through gritted teeth, glaring at him, though she tried to make it look like a smile.
“Oh, you have to watch out for dehydration here.” He reached over to push her water glass toward her. “Make sure you’re getting plenty of water.”
“Thanks, Dad,” she said sarcastically, forgetting herself before she saw the flash in his eyes. Dammit. She didn’t mean to taunt him by calling him something so close to “Daddy.” That was just what she would say to any Dom who reminded her of something she already knew.
Which meant he was just going to have to suck it up. She wasn’t apologizing. Especially while he was torturing her with the vibrator.
Although poking at him—even accidentally—while he was in control of the vibrator was a bad idea. Rae ducked her head, biting down on her lower lip as the pulse changed to a hard burst of sensation… then disappeared. He’d made the sensation wildly intense, then turned it off.