Page 26 of Hidden Away
Because he was still mostly dressed—unlike her—and Nick and Avery were getting closer.
Shit. Were they planning on making use of an alcove? The risk of getting caught had been fun; actually getting caught would not be.
Brian jumped to his feet and hurried to the entrance, stepping out… right behind Avery and Nick, who had passed it by. They hadn’t been headed to the alcove after all. He should have looked, but on the other hand, if he had and they’d seen him peeking out, that might have been even more suspicious.
As it was, they both looked over their shoulders, still holding hands, to see who had just come out behind them. His heart was pounding in his chest, and it was all he could do to push a smile on his face and act like he wasn’t feeling wildly out of breath. This sneaking around thing was more stressful than he’d anticipated.
“Hey, guys. Where are you off to?” he asked, stepping toward them as if that had been his intent all along.
“Just taking a walk to enjoy the evening.” The look Nick gave Avery could only be described as schmaltzy. Brian immediately realized they must have been looking for some privacy, away from the antics in the Dungeon and all the people.
“Ah, okay. Well, I won’t interrupt then. I’m just headed for the Dungeon.”
Thankfully, the two were so eager to get back to their late-night walk, they didn’t question why he wasn’t already there. They gave him a little wave and kept on moving.
When he stepped back into the alcove, Rae was gone.
Staring at the note that had been left on Brian’s door, Rae wasn’t sure how she felt. Her reaction was really going to depend on how Brian reacted when he found out. Behind her, she heard a golf cart coming up the road. She sank back into the shadows as best she could, watching to see where it was going to pull up. Going by the light on in Mitch and Domi’s villa, they’d already returned, but she didn’t think anyone else had.
Explaining to her friends why she was standing in front of Brian’s door rather than her own wouldn’t be easy. Maybe she could say she was drunk.
But she didn’t have to come up with anything.
The cart pulled up in front of Brian’s, and he got out of the front seat, saying something to make the pretty driver laugh. Other than her, he was the only one in the cart. Rae scowled before she smoothed the expression away from her face. He was allowed to make other women laugh. She certainly didn’t have any claim to him.
Though they had agreed to be together for the night. Even though they’d already had sex, that didn’t mean the night was over. Deep down, she knew he would never bring another woman back to his place, knowing that she was going to be there, but she still couldn’t stop that little tendril of doubt and jealousy. There was also a touch of worry.
How was he going to react to the note?
As he came up the walk, Rae stepped out of the shadows. She could see his reaction when he noticed her there, the way his shoulders relaxed, his chin coming up a touch.
“Forget you didn’t have a key?” he asked in a low voice that wouldn’t carry, obviously being extra cautious in case there was someone around they were unaware of.
“No, I just figured you’d realize this was the most likely place I’d be.” That and as soon as he’d stepped out of the alcove, she’d felt the need for a little space. A little perspective. She’d been sore, aching, and satisfied, feeling like no other Dom she’d scened with really got her the way Brian did. Her nipples and clit were still tingling, even though he’d taken off the clamps and chain.
Things had gotten a little awkward at the end. At least for her. But only because she’d wanted more than she had any right to ask for. She’d wanted him to pull her in his lap and hold her. The little hint of being taken care of when he’d been holding the bottle to her lips had satisfied an unexpected need inside her. She was longing for… things. Things she couldn’t even define.
So, she’d run.
Because she’d needed to get her head on straight again.
She and Brian only worked for scenes. Occasional scenes. They’d never work as a couple. Definitely not for anything more than a night at a time.
Which was why she hadn’t known how to react to the note. Cry? Cheer? Worry? It was time to find out.
“Here.” She held out the note to him, trying not to appear as anxious as she felt.
“What’s this?” he asked as he took it from her, looking down at it with a frown, his eyes scanning over the contents.
“Layne left it on your door… about my villa.”
She knew the exact moment he got to the part about her not being able to return to the villa this week. His frown smoothed out into an expression of astonishment, his mouth dropping open.
Her stomach tightened. Asking him to let her sleep there for a night was one thing, but there was no way he was going to want to give up his whole week, right? She wouldn’t even give him the one thing he really wanted, which was probably for the best. Because they really shouldn’t do more than one night together at most. That was the smarter move.