Page 28 of Hidden Away
The downside was he wasn’t going to want the week to end. He already hadn’t wanted tonight to end. On the other hand, that was partly because there were more things he wanted to do with her. To her. Maybe that was the problem the last time, too.
He hadn’t been able to fully satisfy his fantasies. This time, that would be all he was looking to do. No more trying to convince her that they worked together or that she needed a Daddy Dom. No more setting himself up for rejection. But having a few days to actually get his fill of her, instead of only an intense scene followed by nothing…
Plus, all the reasons he’d invited her to stay tonight still applied.
Maybe this was his sign from the universe. Last time they’d hooked up, he’d had hope that maybe it could be something more. This time, he knew it couldn’t, so he could go into the situation with no expectations and, therefore, no subsequent disappointment.
“Done!” Rae said, and Brian refocused his attention on her.
Walking over to the table, he slid the glass in front of her and sat down in the chair next to hers. He didn’t miss that she pushed the notepad she’d been writing on back a little, obviously wanting to keep it private. Very well, he wouldn’t look, even though he was wildly curious.
“Drink,” he said, nodding at the glass. First things first—keep her hydrated. He nodded again in satisfaction when she obeyed. He liked seeing her drinking the water he’d gotten for her. “So. It looks like we need to renegotiate your stay.”
Something flashed in her eyes but was gone too quickly for him to be able to name it. Trepidation? Worry?
Well, he could solve that for her quickly. He smiled at her, turning it into more of a leer as he leaned forward and put his hand on her leg.
“So, sweetheart,” he drawled, elongating the words more than he normally would have. “What do you have to offer to keep me interested for more than one night?”
Surprise flittered across her expression, quickly replaced by amusement and interest. She decided to play along.
“Oh, well… you mean other than my mouth and pussy? Hmmm.” She widened her eyes in mock innocence that made his dick stir. “I don’t know. What else could be left?” The mock innocence was turning more mocking than innocent, as he could have anticipated. Little brat.
He had to chuckle, though.
Putting his hand on her knee, he gave it a little squeeze.
“I’m sure you can think of something.” His fingers moved higher, flirting with the edge of her skirt. If he found out anyone did this to a woman in real life, he’d mete out some justice, but there was something very fun about pretending to be a sleazy landlord. It also gave him the courage to do something he normally wouldn’t and broach the subject of one of her hard limits. Just to see.
“Hmmm… maybe you could call me ‘Daddy’?”
He leaned into letting his voice go higher at the end of the question to make it clear that this was not a demand on his part but just a testing of the waters. To his surprise, Rae didn’t immediately start shaking her head or push his hand from her leg, and hope started to rise a bit…
Tapping one finger to her chin, she pondered for a long moment, making his heart start jumping before she shook her head.
“Sorry, ‘not the mama’ is the best I can do.” She deadpanned it, sounding so much like the bald guy from that pawn shop television show that Brian couldn’t help but crack up, despite his disappointment.
He wrestled with his own mirth, dispelling the image of the dinosaurs that immediately came to mind. She grinned back at him, clearly too pleased with herself. Clearing his throat, he gave her as stern a look as he could.
“Don’t you dare call me that.” Unfortunately, his strictness was completely undermined by his amusement and his enjoyment of how damned pleased she was with herself.
“What are you going to do to me if I do?” Her eyes were full of mischief as she asked the question, and he wouldn’t put it past her to try it out just to see his reaction.
Which meant he needed to have a really good answer.
“Soap your mouth.”
Eyes widening, Rae’s hands flew to cover her mouth. Oh, she did not like that threat. Good to know; he marked off a little check box in his brain. It was good to have a few actual punishments on hand when dealing with a bratty sub.
“You wouldn’t!” She said it in the aggrieved tone of someone who knew what they were talking about, and Brian couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Familiar with the experience?”
She glared at him over her hands, which were still covering her mouth.
“My mama when I was ten, and she caught me dropping an f-bomb.” Rae shook her head. “You’re not doing that to me.”
“As long as you don’t call me ‘not the mama,’ you won’t have to worry about it, will you?” He got to his feet, holding out his hand. “Now, let’s go back to the bedroom and discuss… payment.”