Page 44 of Hidden Away
She could totally see him getting dinner ready for her or hot tea or something on nights when she had to stay past dinnertime. Even though she didn’t really need a massage, he’d jumped right to it.
Or maybe that was just part of the pre-relationship and early-relationship generosity. Damian had been a lot more involved during the chase before he ‘got’ her. She knew that wasn’t true of all men, though—all she had to do was look at Mitch, Nick, and Law and see how they treated their partners after becoming exclusive.
Since Brian was friends with them, maybe he’d be more like them and less like Damian.
Not that it mattered.
It wasn’t as if she was getting into a relationship with him.
“We should probably get out before the water gets too cold,” he said, running his hands down over her back. His words seemed to echo her thoughts. Get out before things went sour. But then her insides warmed at his next comment. “I’ll grab the lotion and rub you down.”
That was really the best part of this arrangement. Things weren’t going to have time to go wrong or become sour because it was a short-term thing. She could just enjoy everything he had to offer and… yeah, raise her bar for future boyfriends. She’d started out with a high bar, thanks to her father and her grandfather, but at some point over the years, she’d started to lower it.
This was a good reminder that, yes, she could have a man who treated her like Brian did.
She just couldn’t have Brian.
Waking up with his arms around Rae was one of the best feelings in the world, and he was getting a little too used to it.
Only two more mornings.
Fuck, he didn’t want to think about that.
Especially when Rae was nuzzling into his chest so sweetly, making soft little sighing noises.
So, instead, he rolled her onto her back and woke her up with his mouth between her thighs until she was gasping and writhing for him, her fingers entwined in his hair. Then he got his cock in her and rocked them both to orgasm.
Talk about starting the day off right.
From there, they had to say goodbye. Rae snuck out to meet up with the girls on the beach while Brian headed over to the spa. He wasn’t sure what he disliked more—spending the day where he could watch her but not touch her or spending the day completely separated from her.
At the beginning of the week, he’d been relieved that Mitch and Domi had wanted the days split up between a full-group activity and gender-segregated activities. He’d been looking forward to time with just the guys and resigned to the full-group stuff. Not because he didn’t like Domi or the other women, but mostly because he’d figured he’d feel like a third wheel the whole time, and it would be incredibly awkward with him and Rae as the only singles.
Now, it was still awkward, but he felt a lot more willing to put up with it if it meant he just got to be around her.
This is the second to last day here. Better get used to not being around her.
Brian pushed away the cynical little voice in his head.
Yes, tomorrow was the last day. But it was also a day they’d all be spending together, which meant he would get to see her. And they still had tonight and tomorrow night. So, even though the guys were doing their separate thing today, he still had two nights and tomorrow to watch her, even if he couldn’t touch her.
Man, that made him sound like a creeper.
Maybe he had more in common with Mistress Julie’s secret admirer than he wanted to think.
Except when this week ended, he was going to be willing to let go.
“Hey.” The hand clapping down on Brian’s shoulder made him jump, and he blinked in surprise at Mitch, who was looking at him with concern. “You okay? I called your name like three times, and you didn’t answer.”
“Yeah, I’m good. Just lost in thought.” He yawned as he finished speaking and shrugged, giving Mitch a rueful smile. “Maybe a little tired, too.”
“Late night?” Mitch asked as Law and Kincaid sauntered up behind him. Nick and Zach were following a little farther back, deep in conversation about something. Kincaid and Zach were both smiling, even though they weren’t walking together, so Brian was going to take that as a good sign.
“Late night,” he agreed. Early morning. Though he didn’t add that last part on.