Page 47 of Hidden Away
But she still listened as the others weighed the pros and cons of sex on the beach. Just in case.
“Do you want to have sex on the beach?”
Brian looked up from where he was sitting on the couch, reading one of the books that had been available on the shelf, and resting. Rae had had another burst of creative energy and needed to write some things down. Even though she’d asked him a question, she hadn’t looked up from whatever she was writing. Dinner was an hour away, and most of their friends had gone to their own rooms to rest after the busy day.
The island heat really made everyone want to nap. Or have sex. Could be both.
“I hadn’t really thought about it,” he replied, closing his book with his finger between the pages to keep it in place. “Other than it might be risky.”
Which was the truth. Was there something appealing about the idea of having sex outside where they might be caught? Absolutely, just like there had been when they’d hooked up in the cabana, far too close to where their friends had been.
On the other hand, he was planning on telling his friends when they got back home, anyway. Tomorrow was their last night on the island. Would it really matter if anyone caught them?
Hm. He should probably mention his plans to Rae.
“Were you planning on telling anyone we hooked up while we were here?” he asked. This time, it was her turn to raise her head and meet his gaze. It was probably something they should have talked about before they hooked up, but they had said they weren’t telling anyone while they were here.
He thought. His memory of their negotiations was a little hazy, even if his memory of how hot the sex had been was still sharp.
“Yeah, but not until after we get home,” she admitted. “I’ll only be able to keep it from Domi for so long before I spill.”
“That’s basically how I was feeling. Plus, once we get home, it won’t matter as much. If they bug us about it, we can avoid them a little more easily,” he joked.
Rae laughed.
“Speak for yourself. Domi and I might not live together anymore, but she’ll still show up on my doorstep if she thinks it’s warranted.”
“I don’t think I’ll have to worry about that with anyone.” Brian chuckled. His friends didn’t care that much about his love life. Thankfully. He’d much rather they didn’t. “They’ll let me know they think it was a dumb idea, but hey, it turned out okay, so no harm, no foul.”
“Just okay?” Rae teased, and he winked at her.
“The week has been all right.”
She snorted and dropped her head down again. Brian watched her for a moment, just enjoying having her there and seeing her at work. While he did wonder what she was writing, he didn’t want to interfere with her process. Opening his book back up, he had just found his place again when…
“Would your week be better if I called you ‘Daddy’?” Her head was still down, all of her focus appearing to be on her work, yet there was a note of vulnerability in her voice that tugged at him.
Still, he couldn’t lie to her.
“Yes. That’s my preferred title with a sub.” He lowered the book to his lap, though he kept it open this time rather than closing it. She looked up at him, and though her expression was blank, he was pretty sure he saw the same vulnerability he’d heard in her voice reflected in her eyes. “But that doesn’t mean my week hasn’t been fantastic. It has. I’m not exactly glad you got kicked out of your villa, but I am glad things worked out the way they did.”
He really was. He wouldn’t trade this week with her for anything. It was a small taste of what he’d been craving, what he’d been fantasizing about. Now that he’d had the reality, hopefully, it would be a little easier to let go of the fantasy. Even though the reality had been pretty great, too, in his fantasies, she had always called him Daddy.
It was the one thing he wasn’t going to get in reality, something that had been driven home this week.
“It’s not that I don’t want to give you want you need. It’s just that… it’s literally one of the biggest turnoffs I can think of. I’d rather let you pee on me.”
Brian choked on laughter, despite the little pang that went through his chest. The expression on her face made it clear that she did not have good feelings about being peed on. It made her aversion to calling him “Daddy” pretty clear. There was one thing he could reassure her on, though.
“I know you’re not just being stubborn about it, even if I don’t completely understand why you feel the way you do. But that’s okay, I don’t have to understand. We all want what we want.” Which was basically kink in a nutshell.
People wanted—needed—certain things, and those things didn’t always align with what their desired partner wanted and needed. It just meant they were incompatible in that way, no matter how compatible they were in others. Unfortunately for him and Rae, this appeared to be a deal breaker on both sides.
“It’s just… I have a Daddy. And yes, I still call him that. I mean, I didn’t for a while when I was in middle school, then I realized sometime in high school that I was still Daddy’s little girl, no matter how old I got, and that when I called him Daddy, I usually got what I wanted.” She flashed a smile at Brian. “He’s an amazing dad, and I would never want anyone to think otherwise.”