Page 8 of Blossom
And even from here, the bright blue of his eyes is visible in the dim light.
“Have you seen him here before?” Brenda asks.
I can’t put my lips together to form words, so I simply shake my head.
“Damn.” Brenda scratches her chin. “If I weren’t so in love with Dalton…”
I continue to stare.
“You going to say something this century?” she asks.
I blink. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. He’s hard not to look at.”
“To answer you, no, I’ve never seen him in here before.”
Brenda giggles. “You already answered that question.”
“Did I?”
Jennifer returns with our drinks, sets them down, and leaves.
Brenda takes a sip of her cosmo. “You shook your head,” she says. “I figured that meant you had never seen him.”
“Yeah, yeah. Right.”
Brenda laughs again.
My mind has gone to mush.
And then it goes from mush to completely liquefied when the Highlander himself walks right past us—turning to make eye contact with me—and collides with Jennifer, who is bringing drinks to another table.
Jennifer drops the tray and then slips on the slick wooden floor and ends up on her ass, her face right at the front of the hottie’s kilt. He reaches down to help her up, but I can’t hear what he’s saying. Probably apologizing.
But she doesn’t take his hand. Instead, she cocks her neck back and—
Oh my God… She’s peeking under his kilt.
I should look away. But I can’t. Jen’s eyes are wide as dinner plates, and she licks her lips.
My heart thumps.
Brenda’s eyes are also glued to the scene. Jennifer finally takes the man’s hand, and another staff member hurries over to wipe the drinks off the floor. The kilted man leads Jennifer—who’s smiling at him longingly, which for some reason I don’t like; I mean, I really hate it—back to the bar and takes a seat.
And again, my heart thumps, faster this time.
He looked at me.
At me.
And because he was looking at me, he ran smack into Jen, who now is looking at him. And she saw what’s underneath that kilt, and whatever she saw had to be impressive.
I feel his presence in every part of my body, especially between my legs. My nipples harden against the stretchy fabric of my dress. It’s suddenly too hot, and I grab my glass of water.
“You should go over there,” Brenda says. “Talk to him.”
I nearly spit out the sip of water I just took. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”