Page 8 of Harmony
Maybe then…none of this would be happening.
Donny is scowling at me, and I wish I could go back in time.
Back in time…
Maybe if I had gone back to bed with Jesse. Maybe if…
Donny eyes Maddie and me. “I don’t have to lecture you two about indiscriminate sex, do I?”
I resist an eye roll. Right. My brother, the quintessential womanizer, wants to lecture me about indiscriminate sex. It might interest him to know I was a virgin until a few days ago, but I’m not about to spill that little secret.
“Maybe I need to talk to you,” Callie says straight to her little sister.
“My God, I feel bad enough as it is,” Maddie says. “I was so angry with Jesse last night. How long were you down here with him after I left, Bree?”
All gazes fall on me then. Right. I was down here with him. I was the last person who saw him before he went to bed.
“Not for long,” I say, trying to sound innocent.
“You were gone for a few hours,” Maddie says, “before you came up to the room.”
Donny and Callie both shoot daggers at me.
“What’s she saying, sis?” Donny asks.
I blink. “We were down here talking. Jesse ordered a pizza, remember?”
Maddie nods. “That’s right. He did order a pizza.”
Nice. Saved by the pie we didn’t stay to eat. I breathe in and force out the lie. “Right. So we ate pizza. Talked. Then we went our separate ways.”
“Did he say anything about the two girls who went with Dragon to his room?”
“No, not really. Just that he wasn’t into it, so he left Dragon to do his thing.” I shake my head. “He must feel so terrible about that.”
“I think we all feel pretty terrible,” Callie says. “But Dragon is an adult. No one should have to babysit him.”
I nod.
An adult.
That was the argument I gave my parents when I told them I was going on this trip. The argument I gave to Callie and Donny as well.
And how many times have I told Jesse I’m an adult? A grown-up?
Being a grown-up doesn’t really mean anything at all. You can still end up getting into lots of trouble.
I hope to God that Dragon is okay.
And even more than that? I hope Jesse isn’t killing himself with guilt right now.
I really want to be the one to fix this for him.
Chapter Three