Page 3 of Forged In Magic
Then he gave her exactly what she craved. His hands tightened on her hips as he thrust up into her, over and over. She felt a pocket of air under her ass and loved the assistance of his magic. Knowing she could let go of her death grip on his shoulders, she cupped his face in both hands and kissed him with all the passion building inside her.
Isaac set a punishing pace as he plunged into her, shortening his thrusts. Their breathing picked up. “Yes! Isaac!” she yelled as her body tightened and an orgasm came barreling at her. Pleasure rocked through her entire core, more intense than she’d ever felt before.
Still punching up into her, Isaac forced another orgasm from her, her body spasming with aftershocks as he yelled her name and went over the peak with her.
When Kate’s breathing slowed down, she noticed the water had become tepid, cooling off her heated skin. Isaac pulled out of her and lowered her feet to the ground. As he did, he kissed her softly on the lips. “That was unexpected and amazing. After dinner, I’d like to spend more time showing you my appreciation.”
Kate felt unsteady on her feet, still reeling from the orgasms that had rocked her world, as she looked up at Isaac. She thought she saw something in his eyes that looked a lot like love. A cold panic coursed through her as she wondered if he would see the same thing reflected back at him in her eyes.
“I… I can’t… I came to tell you I can’t stay for dinner.” Not wanting to see the disappointment on Isaac’s face, she flashed home.
She landed in her living room, dripping wet. Using her magic, she dried herself off as she walked naked to her bedroom. She had told Isaac over and over again that all she wanted from him was sex. Yet why did she suddenly feel a deep sense of loss and shame from hightailing it out of his shower after getting exactly what she’d asked for?
* * *
“Thank you,” Isaac said, leaning back to give the server room to remove his plate from the table. Isaac looked across the table at Meredith, who had invited him to lunch at The Magic Plate. She had called it a combined business slash family lunch.
Setting up his shop in one of their buildings had worked out better than he’d originally thought, and it was one of the things Meredith had wanted to talk about. There was a lot of craziness going on with magic people and she said she was checking in with everyone. Said since they both needed to eat lunch, they could do that and catch up. Her husband Jack, an old friend of Isaac’s, had joined them.
The Williams family had folded Isaac into their arms, and he was grateful for it. His mom was his only remaining family member, and he didn’t see her often, but the Williams made him feel like he’d gained a hoard of brothers and sisters.
That made him think of how he met Kate. He definitely didn’t think of her as a sister or a cousin. More like a girlfriend who drove him crazy. She had flashed out of his shower over a week ago and had been ghosting him since then—something he was ready to remedy.
“How’s your meal?” Meredith asked. All three of them had dug right in with very little talk. Everything at The Magic Plate was too delicious to resist when it was fresh and piping hot.
“Great, as always. How have the staff been with—” Isaac cut himself off when Jack raised his hand. By the look of concentration on his face, he was receiving a telepathic message. Since Jack and Meredith had the power to receive and send messages over long distances, when most magics couldn’t, the message could be coming from anywhere.
“That was Reece,” Jack said as he stood. “Kate was attacked.”
Isaac stood and followed Jack and Meredith. It surprised him that his legs could even carry him since he wouldn’t have been able to speak if asked. Jack’s words had frozen Isaac with fear, sending chills throughout his body. Only by sheer force of will was he able to move.
They walked into a back hallway of the restaurant that they used to flash in and out of. Without a word, they each flashed to the entrance of Kate’s workshop.
Reece and Isabella stood in the middle of the large space. When he saw Kate on the ground, his legs threatened to give out again. Even though she had been keeping her distance from Isaac, it wasn’t what he wanted and this time he was going to be there for her, whether she wanted him to be or not. With his heart in his throat he flashed to her side.
“We’re here,” Jack said, alerting Reece and Isabella as Isaac, Meredith, and Jack walked up behind them.
“What happened?” Isaac asked as he knelt by Kate’s head. He had to force himself not to panic when he saw blood on her forehead. Floating his hand over the injured area, he used his magic to heal the cut, any trace it was ever there disappearing.
“We don’t know,” Reece said. “When we got here, we noticed one of the doors was off its hinges and put out some feelers but didn’t sense anyone inside.”
Jack hovered his hands over Kate’s torso. “Bruises and a hit to the head, but I’ve healed her. She’ll be fine,” Jack said as he waved his hand over Kate one more time.
Thankful that Jack was able to heal Kate, Isaac waited for Kate to wake up as he expected that was the aim of Jack’s final gesture.
Kate moaned and her eyes flung open. “Wha—” She struggled to sit up, but Isaac reached for her before she could. Sitting on the floor behind her, he pulled her up so she could lean against him and waited for her to protest. It didn’t matter what she said, he didn’t want to let her go.
“I’m fine.” Kate batted one of Isaac’s hands away and pushed herself forward to sit up before wobbling backward.
Isaac pulled her higher onto his lap, his arms around her waist. “For Christ’s sake, woman. You were unconscious; give yourself a second.” He’d kept his voice low, and she only hesitated a second before settling back against him. Isaac wanted to run his hands over every inch of her to make sure Jack hadn’t missed anything, but he refrained. Kate would hate him fussing over her. Not that he would consider making sure she was okay fussing, but she would.
“Kate, can you tell us how you got hurt?” Meredith asked.
“Someone came up behind me. I was using my power hammer, so it was too loud. I didn’t notice anyone was there until someone grabbed my arm. When they spun me around, I used my magic to grab a blade, and I jabbed at the guy but missed. It was like he had superspeed.”
“You should have flashed away,” Isaac said close to Kate’s ear. He knew she was tough, but she didn’t have to constantly try to prove it.
“Flash away? Are you crazy?” Kate’s voice rose an octave as she twisted in his arms to glare at him. “My forge is my life! I wasn’t going to leave all my equipment and let a bunch of assholes do whatever they wanted! And what about the mirrors? Did you just want me to leave them too?”