Page 63 of Forged In Magic
She looked up at the sound of Isaac’s voice. He brought her back to the present and made her remember what mattered most. I love you with everything that I am. The guys in her past didn’t matter.
At one time, she would have needed to stay and prove herself, but not anymore.
“Fuck you, I’m leaving!” she yelled, putting as much defiance in her voice as she could. She dropped the shield and flashed to her workbench.
As she reached for the sword, someone yanked on her hair, cranking her head backward. Kate closed her fingers around the sword as she was pulled away from her bench.
When the grip on her hair loosened, she pivoted on her heels and assumed a fighting stance. The sword became an extension of her arm, the tip of the blade touching Crouching Man’s Adam’s apple, ready to slice him open.
“Think you’re tough, don’t you, bitch?” he taunted.
“I don’t think it. I know it. And you need a bigger vocabulary. How about you—” Kate flashed to Isaac’s apartment, the sword still in her hand. She’d purposely left her sentence unfinished so the idiot wouldn’t anticipate her next move.
“And that’s because I’m a badass,” she whispered to herself.
“Yes, you are,” Isaac said from behind her.
Startled, she spun around. “You’re here!” She took a step forward and laughed at herself because she was still holding the sword. Using her magic, she propelled the sword to lay on the counter but didn’t wait for it to land. She jumped into Isaac’s arms, knowing he’d catch her.
Holding her tight and with her legs wrapped around him, he walked over to the couch and sank down. Straddling his lap, Kate pressed her hands on his cheeks, loving the feel of his beard against her palms. “I love you, my lumberjack.”
“I love you too.”
She leaned in for a kiss and then pulled back. “Wait. You’re here!”
“I think we established that,” he said with a laugh and leaned forward to kiss her.
Putting a hand to his chest, she paused his movement. “Funny man. That’s not what I meant... I meant, why aren’t you at my workshop? Why didn’t you stay to help the others? Are they okay? What about my shop? Are Maverick’s minions still there? Don’t they need you?” The questions came tumbling out of her one after the other as they popped into her head.
Isaac laid his fingers on her lips to stop any further verbal vomiting. “Everything is going to be okay. Sam mentioned this morning that she expected some of Maverick’s people had probably been watching your shop from the day we disappeared. Sam said she warned the council to be prepared for an attack, and they decided that if one occurred, they’d use it as a test run for extracting and containing the evil magic. Because of that, I’m sure everyone is fine. And just as Jack was telling me to leave, Meredith, Isabella, Ben, Frank, Rowena, Connor, and a couple of others arrived. Between them all, the infected magics don’t stand a chance. And I’m sure your shop will be fine too.”
A sense of relief washed over Kate. “What do we do now? Wait?”
“I’m sure Jack will call us when they’re finished at your shop and tell us where to meet so we talk about what’s next. So until then… yes, we wait. Any ideas on how we can fill the time?”
“I’m sure I can think of something,” she said just before her lips covered his.
It took only seconds for their kiss to explode, turning white-hot.
When his lips finally left hers, she felt bereft, craving his touch. She leaned forward to kiss him again when a cool breeze hit her skin.
She laughed but wouldn’t complain that they were both naked, their clothes probably in a tidy pile somewhere. Being skin to skin with Isaac felt right. They’d spent so much time just like this while in the room. The feeling of him between her legs became heated, and she ground her pelvis into his.
The sudden rush to have him inside her mellowed. Kate still wanted to feel him sink into her, to fill her up. That hadn’t lessened, just the urgency. First, she wanted to give back to Isaac.
Slowing their kisses, she savored his mouth before moving down to his jaw. Running her fingers through the thick growth of beard, she tugged lightly, feeling him swell where she straddled him.
Moving lower still, her hands followed her lips. She took one nipple into her mouth, biting it softly, then blew on the extended nub. Isaac groaned and his fingers weaved into her hair.
When she gave his other nipple the same attention, his fingers wound tighter into her hair. The sharp tug of pain sent jolts of electricity through her core. She grew wetter with each tug.
Slipping off his lap, she kneeled between his legs and braced her hands on his thighs. Leaning forward, she ran her tongue along his cock from base to tip. It jerked at her touch, and he groaned.
Pleasing him was a heady feeling. It made her feel both loved and powerful. She licked him again, his thigh muscles tensing beneath her palms.
Her hair fell forward and before she could push it out of the way, Isaac grabbed a large section, wrapping it around his fist. Kate moaned at the exquisite stimulation.
“Let me fuck your mouth,” he whispered.