Page 70 of The Cinderella Arrangement
The smile tugged at his lips. “I get it now. You’re still getting over some guy.”
I sighed. “Yeah. So?”
He looked satisfied that he had finally pinned me. I was recovering from a breakup. I made sense to him. “I can make you feel better, Natalie. Come home with me.”
A stroke of his finger against my cheek set my nerves ablaze. It was hot, but I had no desire for a one-night stand. I wasn’t ready for this. He’s just going to throw me away as soon as he’s done with me.
Men like him don’t want me.
I ducked under his arm before he could tempt me any more, his laughter making me cringe as I fled back to the party. WhenI glanced back, he was standing with his arms crossed, still smirking.
“I’ll see you again, Natalie.”
His eyes licked up and down my body like flames.
He’s just an asshole who wants to get laid.
Forcing myself to turn, I fled back inside the warmth of the house, and realized with a hot blush that I still had Will’s jacket draped around my shoulders. I’ll see you again, Natalie.
Damn it.
“Natalie, there you are!”
I recognized Jessica’s voice and fixed a cheery grin on my face. A soup of emotions mixed inside me as she walked over with a beaming smile on her face. Her golden hair, normally straight, bounced on her shoulders.
“Are you having fun? Whose jacket is that?”
My cheeks burned. “Oh, it’s some guy’s.” I pointed toward the dark figure brooding outside. “Yeah, great party. Really great.”
I took in the white glove waiters offering trays of obscure hors d’oeuvres, the live jazz band playing in the living room, the flowers, and the balloons.
“I know. It’s toomuch. I’m still getting used to all this.” She gave me a knowing grin. “Who’s that?”
My heart knocked on my ribs. “Well, he says he’s Luke’s cousin. Weird guy. His name is William.”
Jessica’s eyes went round. “Oh, him. Yeah, Luke talks about him a lot. He’s the youngest of his brothers. Apparently, he’s a dick.”
Yeah, I think that I got that impression.
I didn’t want to tell her what happened outside. It had been such a strange conversation.
“Come say hi to Luke. He’s been wanting to see you.”
I was dragged back into the suffocating crowd. I really doubted that Luke cared whether he saw me. He looked immaculate in his pinstripe suit. Jessica raced forward into his arms.
“Natalie, how’ve you been?”
I hated the undertone of concern, the wrinkles creasing around his eyes.
“Fine.” I knew that Jessica told her boyfriend all about how I spent my nights sobbing into my pillow. “Congratulations on your deal.”
His face lit up. “Thanks. I never thought it would take off like this. We’re expanding the campaign worldwide, you know.”
“No, I didn’t!”
Jessica squeezed Luke’s waist, and he looked at her with an adoring expression that made me cringe.
“I wish my dad could have seen this.”