Page 85 of Claimed
Elena refilled her glass, and then Sabrina’s. “It won’t kill us to eat something different once in a while.”
“You’ll also need to familiarize yourself with the Family’s charitable foundations,” Sabrina mentioned between sips of champagne. “There are several galas throughout the year you’ll be expected to attend.”
“I’m sure I’ll manage,” I ground out.
Sabrina smiled thinly. “The wives of the Costa family are held to a certain standard. It’s important that you understand that.”
“What do you mean?”
Sabrina cocked her head. “These events are high class. You’ll be mingling with CEOs, politicians, and other bosses. You can’t be too…well, yourself.”
“Brina,” chided Elena.
Sabrina shrugged. “What, am I supposed to lie to her?”
Didn’t she grow up poor? She needed to get over herself. Irritation heated my skin as I pretended to sort through dresses, my lips clamped shut.
Sabrina put her glass aside. “Everybody is too polite to tell you the truth, so I’ll enlighten you. There’s a standard to uphold, and it’s not reflected in country charm.”
Elena flushed. “Jesus, Sabrina. Knock it off.”
“How we present ourselves reflects on the Family. She’ll stick out like a sore thumb.”
That stung.
I slammed a hanger back on the rack, facing her. “I might not look like everybody else, but I’ve got something better. Respect for people, no matter where they’re from. I thought y’all would appreciate that, but I was wrong.”
“Don’t take it personally. I’m only trying to warn you.”
“Bless your heart for worryin’ so much about me fittin’ into your high-class world. But where I come from, we value the soul of a person, not what zip code they grew up in. And, seeing as how your brother seems quite taken with my ‘country charm,’ I reckon I’ll manage just fine. As for sticking out, I’d rather be a sore thumb that’s true to herself than a perfectly manicured hand that’s lost its grip on reality.”
The air chilled. Elena looked like she wished the earth would open up and swallow her. Sabrina flashed me a grin. “Outsiders don’t last in this life.”
Elena blanched. “Brina.”
I plastered on a big, fake smile. “Thank you for the guidance, really. But if we’re talkin’ about standards, maybe we should add kindness and understanding to the list. Wouldn’t hurt to remember we’re all tryin’ to do our best here.”
Sabrina stood, the movement graceful yet loaded with disdain. “Sometimes, that’s not enough. You have to fit in. And right now, I’m not convinced you ever will.”
“Enough,” Elena ground out. “This isn’t the time or place. We’re supposed to be helping Violet, not tearing her down.”
“I’ll go,” she said, shrugging on her jacket. “You two enjoy. Have a nice day, Violet.”
Without another word, she swept out of the boutique.
I released a tense breath as she stalked to the car. Elena blurted an apology and ran after Sabrina. I turned to the sea of white dresses. I’d never be one of them. Sabrina thought I was some kind of joke, just because I came from somewhere else.
I went home, deflated. The ride was a blur, my thoughts spinning faster than the wheels on the pavement. Achille’s texts beeped my phone, but I didn’t read them. I needed space.
The quiet enveloped me like a blanket. Jack was at a playdate. The house seemed to echo my doubts. As I sat at the kitchen table, my façade crumbled. The tears I’d held at bay spilled over. How would I fit into a world that had its own language? Where my accent, my upbringing, and even my cooking were viewed as quaint at best?
Elise had belonged. My earlier conversation with Becky flickered, a nagging reminder of my unanswered questions surrounding Elise’s life. How did she afford an apartment in this city?
Enough is enough.
I marched into the office. I opened my laptop on the desk. After logging into my sister’s bank account, I downloaded her statements and combed through four-year-old records. Several months stuck out.
As I stared at the numbers, memories of Elise flooded my mind. Nights filled with her laughter, dreams as big as the Boston skyline. The sister who’d chase stars with me wouldn’t lie to me. Yet here it was, staring me in the face.