Page 42 of Dylan
“Sir, that’s inappropriate.”
“I’m talking about her fucking resume. I want to know how the fuck you thought it was okay to hire her while I was gone.”
“You told me I could as long as the person was qualified. Her qualifications are exemplary.” She sends it up as I walk to the meeting and as I read it, something catches my eye. As one of the directors speaks, I do some research and notice one fucking mistake that the HR manager didn’t account for when hiring this fraud. This CV is full of shit. When I get out of my meeting, she’s gone. As a matter of fact, they both are.
I’m nearly halfway done with our meeting when I hear commotion and shouting. “Excuse me.”
“Sir,” Bogan, the guard I had with my wife, is standing in between my wife and my assistant.
“Harley, are you okay?”
My wife glares at me, tears in her beautiful eyes. “Are you fucking her?”
“What? Have you fucking lost your mind? Of course not.” I storm toward my heavily pregnant wife to examine her for injuries. She appears okay, but I’m still concerned. “In fact, you—” I look back down at my phone so I can remember my assistant’s name. I look back at the woman, who is looking a little too smug. “Ms. Greene, you’re fired.” She gasps and has her mouth open wide.
“What? Why?”
“Why? First, there has to be a reason my wife is here ready to rip your hair out. Second, that shit you tried to pull in my office this morning. If I didn’t need to be in a meeting, I would have fired you then. Third, you lied on your CV. You never attended Harvard School of Business. You’re not thirty-five. You’re twenty-six, and you don’t have twelve years of experience.”
“Shit. My aunt didn’t cover my tracks well. So what? I’ve done a great job and, well, it looks like she’s getting too big for you to handle.”
“My wife is perfect and the only one I need. Get the fuck out of my building.” I turn to my security. “Get her out of here before I do it myself.”
I look at the bitch and say, “I’ve killed for my wife before. Don’t make the mistake that I won’t do it again.”
I take my wife and scoop her up in my arms like she weighs nothing, and truthfully she does. Even with the baby weight, she’s still tiny compared to me. Walking with her into my office, I close the door and sit in my chair. “Mrs. Hunter, you and I need to have a serious discussion. I don’t know what was bothering you this morning, but I have a feeling it had to do with Ms. White.”
“It’s Ms. Greene.”
“I don’t give a fuck what her name is. She’s irrelevant to me. I’ll never let anyone else hire my assistant for me again, and never another female. Big damn mistake.”
“The day before, I called and she made small little digs that implied that you were getting friendly with her. She was calling you Dylan.”
“What?” I move to get out of my seat, but she clings to me, forcing me to keep still. “Sweetheart, I’m glad you told me because I’d be going to prison for murder right now. Last time, I had self-defense on my side.”
“I love you. Thank you for easing my heart and soul. She was very pretty.”
“I wasn’t paying attention.”
“What happened in here earlier?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Nothing major. Just enough to piss me off, and I’m sure enough to piss off my extremely pregnant wife.”
She crosses her arms and huffs. “Do tell.”
“I was typing and finishing up an email when she came in to remind me of the meeting, and when I looked up, she was leaning on my desk with her chest intentionally a little too damn close. I shouted at her to get the fuck out of my office and never to come in here without being called in.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes. I asked for a copy of her CV and as I read it, something about it felt eerily familiar. I haven’t read many resumes over the years, so I thought about it and remembered when HR sent you packing. I pulled Mrs. Featherman’s resume to see if I should fire her. She was overqualified, so I kept her on and just chalked it up to me being a dumbass. Their credentials are almost identical, but they’re about twenty-five years apart, and when I say identical, the dates aren’t all changed.”
“Oh, shit. So she copied the resume and sent it to you.”
“Yes, and like she said, she’s her aunt.”