Page 13 of Rock Bottom
“Well, that’s not good. Have you spoken to Annie? She may know someone.”
“Not yet, but one of my friends from college is here now. Do you remember me talking about Zoe Danfield? She is a VP at REBAR.”
“Yes, of course.”
“She’s here visiting and is going to review the plans.”
“Sounds like you have it all in hand.” But Myra knew there was something else. Izzie didn’t call just to chat.
“Not exactly.” Izzie cleared her throat. “Do you think I could bring her by at some point? She has an issue you may be able to advise her on.”
“Oh?” Myra got the there’s a mission at hand vibe from Izzie. After thirty-four missions, Izzie and the other Sisters were on each other’s radar.
“Yes. I was hoping you could spare a little time later today.”
“Let me check with Charles. Do you want me to call Annie?”
“Probably a good idea.”
“Hang on a second.” Myra started stroking her pearls, a habit she’d developed when something was afoot. She called out, “Charles? Are we all clear for later this afternoon?”
Izzie couldn’t hear him, but Myra conveyed his answer. “All clear, my dear. What time?”
“Yoko was planning on making a traditional Japanese dinner for us. She said to come by around seven.”
“Not to worry. I’ll contact Yoko. She can bring dinner here. Charles will be thrilled to have one of Yoko’s meals, and he won’t have to do anything!” Myra chuckled. “He and Fergus can argue about who will do the cleanup.”
“Thanks, Myra. What time should we get to the farm?”
“How about five? That will give us time to chat before dinner. Oh, and bring Rufus. He hasn’t had any doggie time with Lady for a while.”
“Sounds great.” Izzie paused. “Thank you, Myra.”
“Izzie, you know we are always here for one another.”
“Love you!” Izzie felt a sense of relief for herself and her friend.
“Right back atcha.” Myra signed off.
Izzie took the seat next to Zoe. “Myra wants us over at five. Yoko will either bring dinner or cook it at the farm.”
Zoe looked very confused. “You’re going to have to start at the beginning.”
“Can’t do that just yet, but once we talk to Myra, we’ll be able to come up with a plan.”
“A plan for what? The project?”
“That, too.” Izzie was careful not to divulge too much information. “Let’s just say Myra and her best friend Annie are problem solvers. Hopefully, both yours and mine.” She patted Zoe on the back. “How about we take Rufus for a walk?”
Rufus perked up and gave a woof of approval. Izzie put the coffee cups in the dishwasher, then grabbed the dog’s leash. “Go put on some shoes.”
“Me or the dog?” Zoe chuckled. She was breathing much easier. She wasn’t sure exactly why, but she felt safe. Yep. Safe was the operative word of the day.
They returned to Izzie’s about an hour later. “What should I wear to Myra’s?” Zoe asked.
“What you have on is fine,” Izzie answered.
“Really? A waffle-knit jogging suit?” Zoe was surprised. They were going to the home of a captain of industry. Surely there was a dress code.